App request: Bold SmartLock

No problems here. But I do own a bold connect as well, and I can see it is using the connect when I use activate in the flow.

Maybe the Homey is not close enough for Bluetooth to the lock

Thanks for the info @Martin_Verbeek , the way we are adding the device seems to be without bluetooth (only asking for the API credentials). I presume this is not using the bluetooth features from Homey.

I did order the Bold Connect then :slight_smile:

I’m getting the message ‘action currently not possible’

Anybody knows why I cant control the bold lock from homey?

Same situation here, action currently not possible. It seems like the bold connect is mandatory to work together with homey. Another bridge, phwwwwww. Bad communication in my opinion.
I will get rid of it again, I dont want another bridge / app

It is a range issue. Moved Homey closer and now its fine. But still its less then 5 meters through one thin wall and it failed. Thats not much.

The bluetooth is terrible, just ordered the connect. Adding another bridge to Homey, the controller that will eliminate the use of other bridges…