[APP][PRO] YouLess, Enelogic, PVOutput - Belgian and Dutch P1 Smart Meter Reader

sometimes… Life is so simple… THANKS!

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Youless has released new firmware for the LS120. This enables reading of power/current/voltage for each individual phase. You can install firmware v1.5.1 via the Android/iOS youless app.

I already started work on implementing this extra information in the Homey app. I will keep you all posted once I finish my work.


Great, looking forward to it, thanks for the heads up, I learned that the poor version of the Youless app is definitely impoved, also have a better understanding of my earlier question:-) gross net usage

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version v4.3.0 is ready for testing: Youless and Enelogic App for Homey | Homey

  • youless@2.7.0.
  • Added 3 phase info.
  • Changed capabilities order.

When on YouLess firmware 1.5 or higher, and a smart meter with DSMR 4 or higher, you can now enable reading of:

  • Power per phase (DSMR 4 and up)
  • Current per phase (DSMR 4 and up)
  • Voltage per phase (DSMR 5 and up)


Wow, that’s a great addition! Found out you can change them in advanced settings for an existing P1 Meter/Youless as well. Very nice!

Should have checked the changelog earlier.
Then I might have logged the 280 Volt (!!!) spike during the major short circuit in the High Voltage system of Flevoland yesterday :open_mouth:

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Is it possibly to get the voltage out of enelogic p1 information in some way ?

Would be nice to habe the option to monitor network volts, that way an alert can be made when it gets close to the “turn off the panels” moment…

That device is obsolete. Enelogic already offered a replacement to Youless some years ago. The firmware is not maintained so it will not provide new features.

Are you sure that is correct ? On the enelogic website the youless is still mentioned as the preferred device ?

What is the proposed replacement according to you? Youless is still doing its thing but am happy to replace when needed.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Marc Jurriens

You asked about the Enelogic P1… Youless LS120 is the actual supported device.

So your request is already implemented. Did you not read my earlier posts about that?

I habe the 120… and have had it for many many years…

I did read the post, on homey however I do not find anything on voltage ? Only wattage based metrics. Where would I find voltage ?

I activated the youless ledring this morning but am wondering what the meaning of the coulours is. Couldn’t find any explanation anywhere. Anyone who knows about it?

@Marc_Jurriens what is the firmware level of your youless? What is the DSMR level of your smart meter?

Red is power used. Full red ring means the power is above the maximum as set in the advanced device settings (I think 3000 watt is the default, but not sure).

Blue means power delivered back to the grid. Full blue means the delivered power is above the set maximum.

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Ik moet me verexcuseren…. Ik heb twee youlessen em degene die gekoppeld
Is aan de app had de firmware upgrade niet…

Nu wel en het werkt prima, dank voor de hulp !

Met vriendelijke groet,

Marc Jurriens

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Is it possible to easily see the total kWh and m3 gas of e.g. last month. so basically a bar graph with monthly consumption if possible with off-peak and peak hours.

kind regads Richard

That is why I created this app:

Thanks for the info Gruijter,
But can I also see what the consumption was the previous month. I see what the consumption is this month which is very nice but I also want to compare it with other months. And with the insights I don’t think I can do that either.

kind regards Richard

Yes you can. But you have to wait till the next month to be able to compare with this month…

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Does anyone have an example flow to measure the return to the grid per day?

Maybe this wil help.
Probably you can use a variable instead of a notification at the end of the flow to use ina Insights graph.