[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private

A taken snapshot,
(though a flow) by camera (jpeg format). I did work in the beginning.

@Jelle_Romijn please specify app. I canā€™t do much with this images :sweat_smile:

For me it works as is all so to send a picture if somebody ring at the door.

Setup with ubiquti G4doorbell and a UDM-Pro (icw Ubiquti - Protect)
(so no problem)

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@johan_W sorry your question is not clear. What is the issue?

I am unable to change my number and reconnect the app, Iā€™m still getting timeout error

Report 7ee645e0-e4ed-4c42-9ac2-962d8bbbeb0a

@apellegrini if you change your number you cant repair. You should add it as a new device

Could you please let me know how?

@apellegrini via add device

Hi Martijn ,

installed this app again recently.
I managed to set up a flow that (basic) messages in a group are responded automatically by homey. When someone in the group asks ā€œtemperatureā€ homey flow replies with the current outside temperature.
Strangely the others in the group see the reply , but on my phone ā€œwachten op dit bericht. Dit kan even durenā€ is shown. On the PC ( whatsapp web) I can see the reply message without any issue.

I already tried creating a new group link and changing it in the flow, but this doesnā€™t seem to resolve the problem.

Smartphone is a Samsung Galaxy S23 with the latest android and whatsapp app version .

Any suggestions ?



@PieterDCK no unfortunately not. This happens sometimes and theres no fix for that. Thats a issue in the underlying SDK which i cant fix

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one day later and the problem is solved without intervention ā€¦

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Is it possible to have / detect group-names/-ids?
Iā€™ve got several numbers that exists in multiple groups.
And i really donā€™t want to add 20+ numbers per group and miss a message because a new person joined and i havenā€™t added the number.

@JvdMeulen Not unfortunately not possible.
You might want to check the reply_code and see if that is the same as the group id. Reply_code is a tag in the trigger card

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Hello i have installed whatsapp yesterday at first it work perfectly but after a few minutes I have received a message from whatsapp telling me that a Linux app is trying to connect.
So I go to my homey flow and test but I didnā€™t received the messages this time.

So I think we are disconnected what can I do ?


Thank have a nice day

The Homey whatsapp identifies as linux so thats correct.

I dont see the issue in the logs. Please send a new report when the issue occurs

So Iā€™ve a very strange problem. Since last Saturday Homey cannot send messageā€™s anymore. Iā€™ve tried to repair the ā€œdeviceā€ but that failed.

After this, i tried to send messages in the WA android app as my ā€œHomeyā€ user to myself.
But those messages never arrive. Vice versa the same problem occurs.

Itā€™s like this problem on reddit. I removed every message from the WA user, but that didnā€™t work. The messages that your Homey app send I obviously cannot remove.
Is there a way to see those unsend message or remove them from the waiting que?

PS. Iā€™ve had this 2 times before, but then it solved it self somehow.

@Jeroen_W that sounds like a blocked WhatsApp somehow.
Not sure what you mean with the queue?

Seems like itā€¦
Well not really a queue, but in whatsapp if you send a message and it wonā€™t be send youā€™ll see a clock :clock12:. That my ā€œqueueā€.

@Jeroen_W you can delete that on your phone right

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.25.0):


1: NEW: Update SDK

1: None

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Whatsapp - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

Issue list: [APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private - #3 by martijnpoppen

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