[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private

d7d850af-70a9-4f3a-9ad0-1ce88a6263f6 created.

@smv according to the report weeralarm is working

pfff wauw stupid this… As i don’t recieve anything, when i sent a message to whatsapp…

Was already affraid that you would say that, but atleast i know it’s not maybe a bug ;-). Thanks!

Found the issue!

a tag in the message was the issue.

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Still loses the connection with WhatsApp.

No adguard
No 2fa

Is there something else i can check?

@Bulletcather no idea. Its hard to reproduce. But theres something which causes your number to logout.

Can you test with another number maybe?

And when it disconnects please send a report

I’m sure it’s a simple question for everyone, but not for me.

I want to do the following, but I can’t.

  1. Jan or Piet or Kees sends a WhatsApp message with Homey Weer
  2. then a flow must see who the message came from, i.e. the word “Homey Weer”, and then they must each send their own message back with: hi Jan or hi Piet or hi Kees

I thought I could create this in 1 flow. It doesn’t matter who sends the word “Homey Weather”, but the flow must give a personalized response back to that person and only that person.

I can not do it. I thought the following but that doesn’t work.

@EdNL and does it work without the part: Tekst is Homey weer ?

No, that is not working :frowning:

@EdNL do you send messages to yourself or did you setup a extra number? (Whatsapp doesn’t notify when sending messages to your own number, even when in groups)

sorry for my late response

I have two mobile numbers in my Homey WhatsApp. One from me and one from my partner. If I create a single flow it works. If I create an advanced flow, I can’t get it done. Picture 1 does work.

But picture 2 doesn’t work. Under Sender you will see Sender, of course I entered my 06 number there and that of my partner (but left out here).

Just to add, I have a Homey Whatsapp number and my own Whatsapp number. So everything has its own 06 WhatsApp number (there is no one the same, so I don’t send to the same number).

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

@EdNL there is a difference in the AND check in your flows. not sure if that on purpose?

But best thing to do is something like this:

Then you can test what works and what not :slight_smile: (make sure to save the advanced flow)


When I do this, I simply receive a text message on my Homey Whatsapp number, but I do not receive a text message back on my own Whatsapp number with the information I request.

I really don’t understand it at all anymore. What I want is for there to be a flow: Device A sends a WhatsApp message with Homey and then device A gets it back. When Device B sends a message with the text Homey again, Device B receives it again. And suppose there was another device C, only that one would receive information again.

I had hoped to be able to set this up in an advanced flow. What am I doing wrong?

@EdNL as mentioned before. if you send a message to the same number Homey won’t receive it. In whatsapp on your phone you also don’t get notifications of message you send your self.

if you want to use it like you said you should have it like this:

Device A sends message to device B (homey)
Then Homey (device B) can trigger the flow.

otherwise it won’t work. That’s just how Whatsapp works

I think I don’t quite understand you :frowning:

I just created two different flows. If device A sends the word “WEER”, device A and B will receive the message. So he sends WhatsApp from Homey to two different devices (with different WhatsApp numbers on them).

Obviously I don’t want this, I want that if device A sends this, device B is not affected by it, and vice versa. So it is possible, but now I don’t want them to receive a message together, but each to their own.

That’s why I thought I would create an advanced flow so that he sees WHO is sending it (from which number) and then only sends it back to that person.

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-03-12 om 15.04.03

So basically you’re saying:
If I send a message from device A to Homey Whatsapp, device A and always device B will also receive an answer?

@EdNL sorry but this is really unclear. What is your setup. you’re talking about a lot of different numbers and devices but it’s hard to guess how it works. Next to that, you’re saying it does work in a normal flow. So that indicates it’s not a App issue but a flow issue.

also did you try out the test i provided to you?: [APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private - #724 by martijnpoppen

You make it unnecessarily complicated.
Make 1 flow with 2 WA Than cards or with 1 WA than card with a WA group as receiver.

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That’s what I did and it works perfectly. Only if Person A sends it will Person B also receive it. But I don’t want that. I want if Person A sends “WEER”, only Person A will receive this message and NOT Person B.

And actually it works the other way around. If Person B sends a message with “ZON-ONDER” then only Person B Zon Onder will receive information and NOT Person A too.

Because that is happening now.

I have now try this test en I get nothing in my notification list :frowning: