[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private

@Ad_van_Liempt still strange. Hopefully it keeps working from now on. :crossed_fingers:

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See you a blurry image then ?

When I send an image to my WhatsApp on IOS and want to preview it got this message

When I send a normal WA message from an other phone with image bo problem

@Mark1541 sorry what is your question?

I can’t change anything in the way Whatsapp Homey sends images

My question is that it’s strange when I send a normal WA message from an different phone no problem with loading but when I send image from Homey then ingot that error

@Mark1541 see comment above

need to repair whatapp multiply times a week every time its disconnected ? what can i do

@Kevin_Ponsen not sure.
Do you have any blockers in your network like a pihole or is your Homey connected to a VLAN?

no pihole and just connected by wifi

diagnose rapport


@Kevin_Ponsen that’s a full homey diagnostic report, I can’t access that.

go to apps - whatsapp - send diagnostic report


When I created this topic I needed to login but now for diagnostic making it gives me a
Error again to login

@Kevin_Ponsen nothing to see in the logs, only pairing info.
Please restart the app, repair, and send a new report after that

needed to login again now


@Kevin_Ponsen please follow the steps i asked in my previous post

I want to use the function that within 24h the messages are deleted. I turned this on in the group I use along with this app, but all messages have an “!” next to them saying that the sender is probably using an old version of whatsapp.
Any suggestions or workaround for this?

i have done that

restart app repair and re-login

then i send this report

but oke i did it all again
1 restart
2 repair
3 58f26a64-b390-4b4b-9ef8-f626e941f015

@Andres_Moerland not possible with this whatsapp integration. The Homey app uses a modified whatsapp web instance and is not capable of that feature

@Kevin_Ponsen yes thanks, now i do see the restart in the app :slight_smile:

I see some errors, will try to find the issue and provide a fix. Can take a bit longer as this is something which breaks in the whatsapp instance im using. Will let you know once i find something useful or have test version ready

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thanks keep up the good work :smiley:

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New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.22.3):


1: None

1: FIX: repair not properly storing session into Whatsapp device, causing logouts

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Whatsapp - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

Issue list: [APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private - #3 by martijnpoppen