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@Hannes85 did you already try a Homey restart?

I just did… and it resolved the issues! Reboot tut gut… should’ve known! Thanks a bunch for your help Martijn, happy camper here!

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It worked well for a while, but today the problem has returned. As soon as Homey is restarted or just the WhatsApp app, I lose both connections. It is then a nightmare to restore the numbers via repair, if that is possible at all.

@Ad_van_Liempt nothing has changed in the past week. So strange that that happens again

Next to that, pairing process has improved a lot since the last times.

@RoyWissenburg Nothing has changed

Will check the library, maybe whatsapp made updates :wink:

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@RoyWissenburg checked that as well, nothing changed on the library or Whatsapp side. Also tried a restart of the app and everything works for me

@RoyWissenburg not sure if you use a extra number for your Homey Whatsapp. But keep in mind to open the Whatsapp app on your phone often, that will sync with Whatsapp.

Homey Whatsapp is the same as Whatsapp web, at some point it will time out if the phone app wasn’t opened in the meantime

The only thing that changed is that I went from the test version to the normal version.

I just linked my normal number again and it works, but I can’t send anything

@Ad_van_Liempt you know that i can’t do anything without having a report right…

Please send one


@Ad_van_Liempt please describe what you did before sending the report. Because there’s a lot of data but it doesn’t make sense in comparison with what you just mentioned

So what I see: 6 different pairing sessions at the same time. but no try to send messages

I am trying to connect to two numbers. Sometimes the app keeps running endlessly without the connection code coming, sometimes the connection code does come and then it keeps running endlessly. 1 Number should be connected but it is not.

Just tried again. The session will appear on the iPhone and Homey will be unavailable

@Ad_van_Liempt but you probably pressed the continue button in the pairing view? (that most of the time times out)

Do you have any blockers on your network? Like a pi-hole?

As far as I know there are not a lot of people who experience this.

Yes i use Pi-Hole!! Maybe that is the problem

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@Ad_van_Liempt can you disable that and try again. Just to see if the issue is there :slight_smile:

Disabling Pi-Hole seemed to have results but turned out not to. Received a pairing code fairly quickly. Everything starts running and in Homey I get that the code comes back and on the iPhone that it cannot be connected.

@Ad_van_Liempt and your pi hole is disabled for all devices?

DNS was adjusted on all three devices, 2 iPhones and Mac. No result, Homey says yes for 1 Iphone, but doesn’t work. Then I removed the devices and recreated them and for as long as it lasts: it works again.
Thanks for your thoughts.

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