[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private

@Valentin_Ciopei same could be done with the whatsapp condition cards right :stuck_out_tongue:

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I missed the “text contains” card :slight_smile:

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No you can’t afaik, because as you showed on your screenshot you need one card for every condition > I meant to combine multiple options into one card. There are other apps out there that do those kind of „or“ validations within one card
Which would make it much more easier to build complex flows

It’s not about the contains part

@Flyto ah like that. Yeah could be done. Do you maybe have a example of a other app?

Ok I think I’m wrong here, realized they are all „and“ conditions- probably homey can’t do it because there are the Any cards for it

My mistake :smile:

Works exactly as I wanted it to. Nicely done!

Now I can ask in my automated morning message if I also want get the videos of the movements detected at night outside the cottage. :sunglasses:

@Frickadillus nice!!! :tada:

I see my whatsapp is not working anymore. What I see in the Whatsapp app on my phone that I am signed out. How do I fix this?

@YouSeeStefan repair the device in Homey. Via the webapp right mouse click on Whatsapp device and clikc repair


Amazing new functionality!!! Just started to test it and it is brilliant. Sent you a small donation for the great work you do

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Thank you very much @riiskongen !!

Not sure what you mean with “and” conditions, but the below is a real OR. It avoids the need to check all possibilities and breaks off when the first match is found. Text matching in a message can become CPU intensive.


I have the same problem. That I cannot send from my phone number to my number
but it does work while testing when creating the original flow

also on my own phone i can send messages to myself in in whatsapp

Would a work around be, sending a message to a group which includes myself ?

I’m quiet new to home pro just received it 2 days ago
haven’t found out yet how to capture logs

Kind regards Ben

@Beneke please explain what you mean with same problem??

Whats app’s are not send
Only during initial creation of the flow while testing
Once I save them and the flow triggers
it does not send them out

I send the what’s app during testing from my own phone number to my own phone number (which arrives) the same happens during the normal execution of the flow and the message does not arrive.

@Beneke and you already verified that your flow is working? Testing the flow doenst verify it.
So are you triggers working? did you try to send a timeline notification?

I mean your report looks normal. So before we start diving in to this app lets first make sure your flows are correct

@Beneke can you share your flow?

and please keep the conversation in 1 place. so mail or forum, but not both :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there a problem with sending whatsapp?
I get information that he can’t send. it is a Test sending to see if it is working.

@EdNL if the device is not available it means that theres something with the device. So go to the device and see whats wrong.

I’ve made an ‘auto responder’ flow so I can send Homey a WhatsApp message to do stuff for me. Working great!

But it seems like if one of my WhatsApp contacts changes their WhatsApp status, Homey sees that as an incoming message, and sends a reply because the message is missing the “Okay Homey” string.

Any way I can determine if an incoming message is a status update?