[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private

@TMS_TMS can you try again and send a diagnostic report after that? :slight_smile:

ok I just tried again, and the error did not appear again. I made a whatsappgroup and tried to send a test-message to it, but the message never arrives



error message reads β€˜is the group link correct?’ which it is, bc when I click on it I go straight to the group

I did, thnks!

@TMS_TMS please try to restart the app :slight_smile:

back at this error after reinstalling the app …

@TMS_TMS why are you reinstalling?
Can you please describe your steps as this is really confusing

Just connected the app on my Homey pro 2019 with my mobile app on my iPhone 14. . Works fine.
Thank you.

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Give the card a delay of 3 sec.
Or put the group link in a text variable and use the variable.

This was the solution for me.

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Hi, I have installed the app on my Homey Pro 23 but get this error:


I use WA Business for this number. Can you help me or is the app broken?

i need a bit more info on this.

  • Which Whatsapp version in Homey
  • Did you get a notification when you filled in your number
  • Did you try via mobile homey app or homey webapp (webapp works better)

Hi @martijnpoppen,

I have tried the mobile app and the webapp. This error notification I get when I fill my 06 number in with landcode +31.

I use the 1.18.3 whatsapp homey version

@YouSeeStefan did you use any spaces? and did you start your number with +316?

i used the string option, the error (network request failed) still remains. what do you mean with β€˜Give the card a delay of 3 sec.’?

EDIT: ah, je gebruikt een gewone ipv advanced flow. ok, beiden geprobeerd (string en delay) maar ik blijf dezelfde foutmelding houden.

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Ah too bad. I converted all advanced flows to simple flow to use the delay option.

@Bram_Bruggers Advanced flows has a delay option as well :wink:

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.19.1):


1: NEW: Allow Landline phonenumbers

1: None

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Whatsapp - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

Issue list: [APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private - #3 by martijnpoppen

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Yes, they have but then it does not work for me.

@Bram_Bruggers the app was updated after your message from 2 weeks ago, so it should work without any delays :smiley:

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.19.1):


1: NEW: Allow Landline phonenumbers

1: None

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Whatsapp - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

Issue list: [APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private - #3 by martijnpoppen

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