[APP][Pro] Weather by Open-Meteo

I haven’t tried, but I think the flow card returns an image token you can use to send a image push notification (just like camera snapshots).


It’s available as a Tag as Ronny said :slight_smile:

No idea, why. Try 1.4.9, it shouldn’t crash anymore on startup. Your Location is working fine for me (all values)

Hi spkesDE,
I installed Weather by OpenMeteo on my HOMEY Pro2023 (11.1.2) two days ago. I do have version 1.4.9 of the application. However, I am not receiving any information, as you can see in the attached screenshot. I have some doubts about the settings of my routing equipment: UniFi UDM Pro, which allows me to block internet access from different countries. In which country are the servers required for the application located? I should mention that I live in France. Thank you for your contribution and help.


Could you send me a diag. report?

It’s done. Thanks for your help



[log] [OpenMeteo] connect ENETUNREACH 2a01:4f8:221:1902::2:443
[log] [OpenMeteo] Failed to call api.open-meteo.com.

As you already was expediting it can’t reach the open-meteo.com servers. I think the servers are hosted at Hetzner in Germany.


here the new report, without country restriction …. and i create a new device after turn off this « country restriction » parameter.
Do you see a difference ?

Many Thanks for your help


Capture d’écran 2024-08-29 à 14.47.17.png

Still the same issue

Thanks for your quick answer.
Do you have the IP address i could put in a Positive List « allow »

Well this is the IPv6. And IPv4 should be based on my ping
Or use the DNS entry api.open-meteo.com