[APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

@martijnpoppen I understand fully. Thanks for all the effort you put in this so far. I know its based on volunteers maintaining the code. Like with all apps in Homey success depends on it.

Due to changes in the API it might be that your car is not working properly
Unfortunately there’s no proper fix available for all issues.
It might take a while before all issues are fixed. If this version is not working for you, please return to the live version of the app.

New app update (TEST: 1.19.1) vw


  • NEW: Api Helper tool (settings page)
  • NEW: update library
  • NEW: use VW ID API for all models (not fully finished)
  • FIX: device pairing

New app update (TEST: 1.19.1) Audi


  • NEW: Api Helper tool (settings page)
  • FIX: Audi login
  • FIX: Audi data mapping for new API
  • FIX: API update
  • FIX: device pairing

New app update (TEST: 1.19.1) Skoda


  • NEW: Api Helper tool (settings page)
  • FIX: skoda start charging
  • NEW: update library
  • FIX: device pairing

New app update (TEST: 1.19.1) Seat


  • NEW: Api Helper tool (settings page)
  • FIX: API update
  • FIX: Seat data mapping for new API
  • NEW: update library
  • FIX: device pairing

New app update (TEST: 1.19.1) Cupra


  • NEW: Api Helper tool (settings page)
  • FIX: API update
  • FIX: Seat data mapping for new API
  • NEW: update library
  • FIX: device pairing

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - AppName - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the TEST version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this TEST version? Install the LIVE version → vwAudiSkodaSeatCupra

@Ronald_den_Otter can you try the above release?
It should fix type seat. So as far as i see no need for seatcupra2

API helper 1.19.1 with seat “No VIN found, please check your credentials and try again”
Same with seatcupra2

@Ronald_den_Otter :frowning:
This was the latest update in the library

Can you next time put your name in the user message instead of the error message? :sweat_smile:
I get a lot of reports, and there’s no name in the report so it’s a lot of guessing who is who

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Hi Martijn,

I don’t know if this question has been answered, sorry if you did: is there any news on Cupra Formentor hybrid version?

Do you need me to test anything? Happy to help.

Hi @Tarecco
What kind of news?

I meant update… or is it same story as the rest of the brands? We should wait!

@Tarecco see the conversation I had with Ronald :wink:
It’s about cupra

Same for me, No VIN found with latetst version.

@Robin_van_Kekem yes cupra and seat share the same api.

Due to changes in the API it might be that your car is not working properly
Unfortunately there’s no proper fix available for all issues.

For now we have to wait for a fix in the external library of this app

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Is there a way to install the 1.19.0 version again?
1.19.1 update seems to have changed in a way that all that worked in 1.19.0 stopped working.

@Bug no not possible

not sure what changed for VW

Yeah, VW died for me as well… WHY Volkswagen, WHY ??!

Just tried 1.19.0 but also broken… :frowning:

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ioBroker… seems to still gets updates :wink:


Just got updated yesterday…

I just reverted the update from ioBroker…
But you can check 1.19.2 @Sharkys and @Bug

that should fix it for now VW We-Connect | Homey


It works ! :wink: THANK YOU :pray:

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It gives back more than I have and less than I had but still better than the 1.19.1 :+1:t2:
Thanks for reverting that piece

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