[APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

@AdrianusJ your report is full of erros. not something I can fix. Also as mentioned in the top post of this topic buttons are not fully working.


 data: {
      errorCode: 'UNKNOWN',
      message: 'Error happened {Call VCF failed with error code {502}, message {VCF error message was corrupted} and additional description {null}}'

I will check the library for updates though

@AdrianusJ looks like your hitting the rate limit of Skoda.
Skoda made their API really strict. Its better to increase the check interval in the device settings that hopefully will give you less errors.
After you did that wait some hours before trying new commanda

@Ostys thanks will do :slight_smile:

okay, thanks for your cooperation. I will make the adjustments, this may produce the desired result.

Dear Martjin,

I recently downloaded your My Skoda app to my Homey PRO 2019. The app provides a lot of useful info, but I am not able to make the home/away flowcard make work. After some investigation I noticed that the “home” yes/no status is not being updated for 7 days, hence since installing it. I drive to work every day, so there should be update at least twice a day except weekends. First idea was that the car has wrong privacy setting, but it has the most opened settings possible. The My Skoda Essencials app see all the data including the current position (longitute and latitude) information correctly, but in your integration the longitute and latitude are still the same. Seems your app is not retrieving those data from the Skoda connect. Can something be done about it?


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Hey @sandro711
The home/away is based on the car lat/lng and your Homeys lat/lng

If the location is not updated in Homey please send a report. Hard to say what is wrong without it


@sandro711 i see the lat and lng coming back from the API. If they are not updated in Homey then it would mean that the Skoda API didn’t update those. But the data and updating looks correct. Keep in mind that the VAG API’s tend to misbehave quite often, so i wont’ be suprised if some date is outdated

Hi, I am trying to figure out a way to use the MyAudi app and my own location to trigger a push notification when the car is not locked to my phone. As Audi does not have this notification (beats me why, merc has it), I thought there might be a smart way using the myAudi app on Homey Pro.

Any ideas how to do this?

@Alexander_Bohm you can do something like this:

Unfortunatly I do not have moving/not moving or any other location related Myaudi cards. Only cards related to the battery level, lock/unlocked and range indication. See screenshot. Any ideas based on that information?

@Alexander_Bohm it would help if you can tell which car you have :stuck_out_tongue:

Good one. E-tron 50, 2019. So much information needed to get this right.

Ah yeah Audi Etron doesn’t report moving :frowning:
what you can do maybe is when the actieradius has changed and base on that you can check the location with your location.

Maybe off-topic but anyone have the “leave time” in the Volkswagen phone app showing an empty page instead of the 3 charge and/or climate time entries?
Having a flakey official app is not helping when testing if the homey app is behaving properly….
The start and stop charging in the Homey app is currently working fine for the golf 8 GTE by the way :+1:t2:

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Something simple.

you can still insert in the app in the flows under if …

Battery Charge has started

@Ecker is this a question to me?

So if im correct your asking if i can add a new flowcard??

yes, that was my intention.
Was that the wrong way?

I used the button on the Homey app website “contact the developer” and then the forum opened.

The thought behind it is that I forgot to get my Cupra from the charging station yesterday. In Germany, EnBw charges 10 cents per minute after 4 hours of charging.

@Ecker haha, it was not really clear that you were asking a question for a feature :wink:

but not it’s not possible. That’s not reported in the API


I have a Skoda Enyaq, and I have a problem where I don’t see any GPS status from the car. The “Came Home” card isn’t visible either. I have enabled GPS data from the privacy menu in the car, and I can see the GPS coordinates in the Skoda app. But no information in Homey. Is there something I do wrong?

@johbiraus its not available in Homey as its not available in the API.