[APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

@martijnpoppen Just a quick Q. When the myAudi App is starting, will it wait the update timeout before it send the first update, or will is get an update immediately and then wait for next interval?

@bwa it will always run a update once. But thats because the app starts up the client.

Will check if i can make that configurable as well

@martijnpoppen Ok, but it was just a question not a request. I tried to restart today, but no data was retrieved it looks like. diag : bdca28c3-0ecd-45d6-958f-7c1e8f3a1483. Status indicator was not updated either, så I may be just what happened, It did not get any data due to API errors or down time. Picture is from 29.11.2023 07:00 (approx)


I think getting data at startup migth be fine, if I want to stop myAudi App for a period when I want it to be dormant. And start it to resume polling

@bwa in your last report the login failed. so thats why it didn’t update the data

@martijnpoppen Ok, it explains. It’s hard too see that.

@bwa yeah and also to catch that error, I might add something which indicates that.

like Connected: false, as that’s what happens

@martijnpoppen It works fine now. It turned out that I havent given consent in the myAudi Web Page on this alternate user that I’m using. Now the main user is using the iOS app, and the guest user is using Homey myAudi App. Will be interessring to wee if I find a way to not beeing thrown out each day.

I might add something which indicates that.

Yes that would be very informative. and if you do add insight to that property, would be nice to look back about ‘what happened’ …

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Looks like the Audi Gateway has general problems once more ( only in Germany?)

@Tregobad maybe you have to consent to new terms and agreements again? see: [APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra - #2299 by bwa

yes Will add that @bwa
I hope I have time today, otherwise on friday :wink:

@martijnpoppen Great, but it’s not urgent, so take your time

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Thanks for the hint, I had already confirmed the new conditions a few days ago.

Could the lockout be due to the fact that my flows for querying “If : Remaining climate time has changed” are active, but are not getting any data from the Audi server?
So the server blocks access in response to an implausible request?

@Tregobad the flows do not request data from Audi they only trigger if data has changed

I dont know where this lockout comes from unfortunately

I understand, you get the data via API and I’m just listening to see if you have new ones.
I have activated myAudi again, let’s see what happens.

Today my Audi-app was already giving me the “too many attempts” at 6:00 after working again late in the evening yesterday (I only updated the status yesterday evening and tried to update this morning), so my Audi app was not usable again this morning.
I programmed the car to load and heat in the car itself, so it was charged and heated. But it seems the Homey app is requesting too often? (Or do I not understand what’s being said above about the API updating)

@zakraket yes seems like that. But its unclear why thats happening. Without having access to a Audi its guessing for me.

I have a VW which works fine.

I cannot get the app to work anymore.

I am running the latest version, when i re-enter my user and password nothing happens, the data shown is getting old and refresh does not work.

I tried to re-add the car again, but after login in it displays getting data from the server and then respond with an error:

DO I something wrong or did I forget something?

@B3rt please sepcify which app. This topic is for 5 apps. Next to that which car?

@martijnpoppen vw connect, Golf 8 (2021) GTE (hybrid)