[APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

@KrAck old news :wink:
This app is already upgraded to that. We connect is phased out

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@Tregobad I’ll check the remaining climate time for Audi.
Glad the anit-lockout works :slight_smile:

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.24.1) vw


  • FIX: update library

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.24.1) Audi


  • FIX: update library

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.24.1) Skoda


  • FIX: update library

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.24.1) Seat


  • FIX: update library
  • FIX: Cupra mapping

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.24.1) Cupra


  • FIX: update library
  • FIX: Cupra mapping

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - AppName - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

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My Audi app is unable to communicate with the car again (and so is the Homey app) since a few days. More Audi-owners with this problem?

force update will block the connection for your vin for the rest of the day. try and disable all (homey/HA/iobroker/Tibber/etc.) but the official Audi app and it should work again tomorrow…

@bug force update is removed from the latest version


You mean it’s (the myAudi app) blocked because of the “force update” from the Homey app? I have not used that. And my Homeyapp is on a 4 minute interval so not too fast I assume.
I don’t have anything besides the Homey app. I can try to disable the Homey app for a day


@martijnpoppen many thanks for your efforts and a great MySkoda app!!

I am integrating with your ABRP app now, and wondering what the difference is between the parameters “battery” and “battery level”?

@Wizze they are the same :slight_smile:

but battery level shows a percentage while battery shows the default homey battery icon. It’s mainly for the device tile in Homey.

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@zakraket are you on the latest app version? (1.24.1) there was a issue with the API which i resolved last week

Yes, but the problem is not in the app I think; the Audi app is not able to update to begin with. There are periods that this works very bad for a few days or longer, it just sucks. Yesterday I could only charge my car using the button on the car :frowning: audi sucks
The Audi app updated again suddenly this morning after my post, and now the Homey app started charging the car.

So charging using the API works again? That is a relief as i dare not touch it to not get locked out :wink:
As noted before the older Homey app would cause the vin to be banned but that was removed to prevent it.
@martijnpoppen is there a list of things that should be working other than fetching from the API like charging, climate, lock, blink etc?
just wondering what i could start to use again :wink:
if i need to have a look on git that is fine too while a pointer to the .js to search through would be helpful.

@Bug unfortunately not. That list can only be made by you and others :smiley:

As I’m having a petrol car I can’t test charging etc :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: you can always make a extra extra account for testing this ofcourse. and I still have access to your car aswell, so if you want me to test stuff let me know.

Next to that, i’m also looking at API providers for VAG cars. as these apps ask a lot of my time at the moment and it seems like stuff changes every week

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@bug: Charging my car works again since the last updates; I charge my car based on solarpanelpower and based on a time I need to “leave”.

I’m not sure about other things as I don’t use any of the other features.

(I might incorporate climate heating in my solarchargingflows since it’s beginning to get cold here, but I don’t know a.t.m. if that works.)

Sadly the Audi/VW IT does not seem to be very stable (has not been in the 2 years I have my car now)


@martijnpoppen I will start to test some features end of day so they will not block me from heating my car during the day in this weather :wink:
Once i have a list that works (and blocks) i will let everyone know…
As VAG seems to block the car vin regardless of the useraccount it is harder to test.

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Hi Martijn,
Today I installed version 1.24.1 (myAudi) and now have a lockout again (error message 429 - too many accesses). Query interval is set to 5 minutes.
We connect (VW ID.3) has no problems with lockout.
I deactivated myAudi again so that I can warm my bottom again tomorrow using the Audi app.

Hey @Tregobad
Ah too bad,

Can you maybe send a report next time this happens?

send you right now.

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@Tregobad report also says:

[error] {"error":{"group":2,"retry":true,"message":"Too Many Requests","info":"Upstream service responded with an unexpected status. If the problem persists, please contact our support.","code":4291}}

Can’t see what caused it :frowning:

@martijnpoppen Btw I had the same (as @Tregobad) in the Audi app today. I’m not able to use it a.t.m. because of “too many accesses”

edit: that was this afternoon, now I’m getting “server heeft een ongeldig antwoord gestuurd” (in the Audi app)

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