[APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

too bad. The card just lost it’s meaning. The difference of not getting data and and getting no data is huge.

@bwa No the card never had that meaning. It’s setting the latest update time, which is basically when the latest data is fetched. If there’s updated data you can just see that on the device tile.

I know your use case is different, but this app is not designed to be used inside another app. If you really looking for something like that I would suggest to create a API yourself. As it won’t be part of this app.

Yeah, I probably will do so.

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@bwa and if you really want this in this app. Feel free to create a PR. It’s open source :wink: GitHub - martijnpoppen/com.vag.core: A Homey Core Library for connecting VAG cars

But regardsless of my use, it’s complete useless to have a date tag in the app that cannot be trusted. if it updates every retry time and succedes even when it didn’t get any data, I cannot rely on it. Until now I have had the timestamp as the Homey card tile data, to just see if myAudi is up or not. Now I cannot trust that. And this makes it useless. Sorry, but it is.

@bwa that’s your opinion, this was requested for a different use case. As far as i see you want to know if the API is down or not. Which is a different use case.

But keep telling me that it’s useless is useless aswell

no,no, it’s not a different use case. I’m using myAudi app to get, as an example, the current SoC. If the myAudi app shows 40% and my car actually has 60 %, and the myAudi (your app) actually knows that is hasn’t got the SoC data field in several days or weeks, but still shows 40% as SoC, it’s rubbish. Yes, the last update time for that field might say ‘14 days ago’, but that could be even true. But only when that is really so.

Your app are the only one to actually really know that it has’nt got the SoC data field for 14 days, then it’s is not trustworthy. But me as a user, seeing updated 15 minutes ago … ??? How can I then use the app ?

I’m NOT using it as an api. I’m using current SoCand current target SoC for different kind of use, but if I cannot trust the data in it ??? Uuups …

@bwa this app doesn’t know if the data is the same for 14 days or not. Thats default Homey behavior. But please lets quit this discussion. The issue is on the Audi side. Im not going to build all kinds of checks because the Audi API is unreliable. Thats not up to me to fix.

And as said before if you really want something else please create that PR.

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Yes, it worked after 3 restart cycles.

I haven’t tested the actions, not entered the s-pin yet.
Are all actions gone?

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@Olex not all, I don’t have a clear overview yet of what works and what not

Please be aware that calling an action that does not work (tried start charging yesterday) makes the official Volkswagen app also unusable for hours….
Left the homey app disabled and the Volkswagen app is working again today. So be careful if @martijnpoppen has not finished the mapping checks as this will probably make you lose access for the rest of the day :wink:


Hei @martijnpoppen

Have you had an opportunity to have a look at the terms and condition error? And what goes wrong in my account / how I can fix it?


@Wizze sorry didn’t come back on that. I did update the app in the meantime, not sure if you tried that already?

I just tried your new update and it works! Thank you very much!!!

Super! :smiley:

Now we know … why HTTP 429 occures the rest of a random day

@bwa yes correct. If the API is not used correctly it will be blocked. But i could have told you that as well :wink:

If you face any issue with the API please go to this repo and create a issue there: GitHub - TA2k/ioBroker.vw-connect: ioBroker Adapter for VW We connect and Skoda connect

Edit: and keep in mind calling the force update card will also block you eventually if you call it too often

My point was that this is the first time audi officially has confirmed this si the real reason to the 429 message. And it’s about 3rd party use.

I also was quite shure this was the reason.

This indeed increases the need to have a user controlled update frequency.

If it means that myAudi app need to slow the update frequency to, let’s say, every 60 minutes, the value of the app is decreaing fast.

So there is an easy and cheap solution to this

And that solution is?

You can already control the update frequency in the device settings

Currently the update frequency is fixed, I’m using 15 minutes for update and the force update is at default 360 minutes.

Yesterday I was thrown out aprox at 16:00, and this was after removing all other third party app’s using car data api (Tibber, and other smart charge apps). So the next try is to set 30 minutes as the update frequency, and maybe 720 minutes on the force update.

With a fixed rate so ‘low’ the value of the myAudi App is less and less.

My suggestion is to add a new flow card to execute the update call to VAG api to a more dynamic rate to suit my need. Then I can set the fixed rate to ‘never’ or a very high value. Like there is no reason to poll in the middle of the night, or maybe when the car is parked on the train station.

It all turns out into execute as few calls as possible and still have the wanted ‘service level’ in the myAud Homey App.