[APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.21.0) vw


  • NEW: Api update
  • NEW: Italian Translation :it: (Big thanks to @xazac )

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.21.0) Audi


  • NEW: Api update
  • NEW: Italian Translation :it: (Big thanks to @xazac )

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.21.0) Skoda


  • NEW: Api update
  • NEW: Italian Translation :it: (Big thanks to @xazac )

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.21.0) Seat


  • NEW: Api update
  • NEW: Italian Translation :it: (Big thanks to @xazac )

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.21.0) Cupra


  • NEW: Api update
  • NEW: Italian Translation :it: (Big thanks to @xazac )

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@bwa @Tregobad new update for Audi. If it works again I can implement some actions again, as I see there are values available now :slight_smile:
Audi is using the VW ID API it seems so it’s easier to fix things

Great. I got in later yesterday, so all was good. Now it’s not functionaling again.

Just ridiculous quality on the VAG service. MyAudi iOS app and the web app, both not working. They should realy be embarrassed

                "error": {
                    "message": "Bad Gateway",
                    "errorTimeStamp": "2023-10-30T20:06:34Z",
                    "info": "Upstream service responded with an unexpected status. If the problem persists, please contact our support.",
                    "code": 4105,
                    "group": 2,
                    "retry": true

@bwa might be the same as this: [APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra - #2049 by Tregobad

May I suggest a flowcard to update the poll frequency ? In that case I can lower the poll rate when I know it’s not needed, and restore when it is .

A flowcard to do the poll would be even nicier.

I have created a Charging Schduler using data from the myAudi app, but I only need frequent updates in the time when it’s charging. When the car is disconnectet from my Easee I don’t need any updates at all and could disable og rise the poll rate to every hour og maybe several hours.Here’s the App, Work in Progress though, Homey Easy Charge Controller Homepage - Homey Easy Charger - Confluence

@bwa there’s already a force refesh flowcard.
so if you set the interval to a high amount that could already work :wink:

OMG ! Didn’t notice that. Thanks a lot

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@bwa keep in mind to not call that card too often. Once every 6 hours is recommended

@martijnpoppen Nå force load card here … ?


Sorry my bad, found the feature in settings

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Can you explain: keep in mind to not call that card too often. Once every 6 hours is recommended

Is ‘Force Update interval’ different than the ‘Update intervall’?


@bwa yes

Update interval is just calling the API. If the car has updated the API will return the data.
Force update interval will wake up the car, so it might consume your cars battery

Oh, then my suggestion to request a normal update card, still stands, not a force update of car. That is not needed, and often really unwanted

And maybe the request to just read data can do a await, so it’s possible to fire a depended action after the data is retrieved

not really , without that the app won’t update :wink:

Sorry I have no clue what you mean

EDIT: maybe I’ll add such a card in the future, for now i’m focussing on a lot of other things related to these apps. I think if you really want to disable the updates, why not disable the app via a Flowcard?

Hi @martijnpoppen! A little while ago you helped me get the app working with the 2016 VW Golf GTE, requiring some changes from your side. It’s been working great!

I’ve now moved on to a full electric 2019 e-golf. I’ve tried adding it several ways, and get many of the features, except for the same one I couldn’t get before and need, which is the ability to set the charge rate.

Is this a known issue or something that can be fixed?


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not really , without that the app won’t update :wink:

Hmm, I really cannot understand why. Audi servers is (always mostly) updated with data from the car, it (the car) will send updates when they occur. I assume myAudi Homey app will use same datasource as the myAudi iOS App. And normally the car will send it’s updates to the upstream servers when the car is stopped and started. I know this famous sleeping bug, if the car cannot connect to the server at the time of tour ends, it will not continue trying to send updates. Then the ‘force update’ will come to play, to wake up the car and tell it to update upstream servers.

And to explain the read of data:

If I have something that should respond to some data from the car, I could trigger the data update, and wait for it to happen, and then act on it.

The usecase in my app is :

The car is plugged in to the carger, then my Charge Controller App (ECC) will trigger the gathering of car data, when it arrived it will calculate the neccesary charge amount and produce a chargeplan and send it to the carger and notify the user. This is the best solution, given the result is within the timeout values, (30 sec ?)

If the update is delayed, or as a promise later the ECC will react to it when it happens, but it may create a new schedule because of updated data, and will notify the user again. This is the noise I would like to avoid.

Of cource. not of your conserns, but that is the explanaton about the need behind my feature request.

The stopp of App to pause polling is a workaound I idn’t thing about, but its a not very good solution. Need a bit of plumbing to achieve. It seems to force a new logon to the backend at every app-start, so I guess it’s not so good workaround

@bwa i understand.
But if im going to give you a schedule interval card you are getting the same behavior as i need to restart the library on every new interval. So it will trigger a login aswell. So in the end you can just us the force update card / app disable which will do the same :slight_smile:

@parody not that om aware off. Is the flowcard available?

@martijnpoppen Ok, guess it’s because refresh tokens. I can assume the initialization of the app will try to read data immediate ? and the wait for next update time and read next time ( after 5 minutes)? I see the option of having 5 minutes read time when app’s running and only have it running while charging. And maybe 2 or 3 times throughout every 24 hours.

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atm chargingwise for my Audi A3 the only thing that does not work is the chargingstate. It has been “charging” for 4 months now, but all other things like starting/stopping charging, batterystate etc work.
Is it still not possible to get the actual chargingstate?