[APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

@molensky @_Gesperrt @Dennis93 see above update for skoda :slight_smile:

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Thank you, but the link to 1.20.4 redirects me to V 1.20.3, which is not working. :wink:

Could it be, that I m too fast?

@_Gesperrt should be there now

Thank you so much!
Now my homey is connected to my car. :slight_smile:
Hope everything is working fine now.

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thank you, no restarts :partying_face:

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With the new Skoda App I can see the Odometer of the car (Enyaq in my example). Guess it’s available trough the API then. Would it be possible to add this just like with the ID cars some App versions ago?

Thanks in advance!

@RNLDNKP if you can use the API tool in the app settings and return me the data in a DM I can have a look

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DM with data sent.

Thanks for checking it out

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Hey! Ik gebruik de VW we connect met mijn VW ID4. Alles werkt goed! Maar wat ik merkte is dat als mijn vrouw met de wagen rijdt, de ID4 geen verbinding maakt met homey. Dat ligt vermoedelijk aan het andere profiel dat ze gebruikt in de wagen, andere instellingen, stoelstand enz.
Hoe kan ik ervoor zorgen dat de ID4 ook verbinding maakt als zij met de wagen reed?

@Quin hi

Please keep this thread in English :wink:

Actually that shouldn’t matter as theres only one we-connect connection. But data doesn’t update during driving only when parked

Sorry for the Dutch in previous post :joy:.
Unfortunately also when parked, the car does not connect when my wife’s user account is active in the car. Only when I switch the car to my account, it starts making the connection to homey…

@quin Nothing i can do about that…

Hello @martijnpoppen,

Thank you for your amazing work!

I installed MySkoda App on Homey Pro (2023), I was able to login and my car (Skoda Fabia 2022, fuel) was recognized but your app can’t get any data.

I have an active “Care Connect - Remote Access” subscription so I can see my car directly in the official MySkoda app on my smartphone.

So what’s wrong? Thanks

Hey @xazac

If you can:

  1. enable debug in the device settings.
  2. do a force update (via the button)
  3. send a diagnostic report

Then I can check it for you

Hello @martijnpoppen, thank you for your reply!

After I uninstalled and reinstalled your app, now it seems to communicate with Skoda server, but I get a totally wrong KM.

My car has just 5100KM, there is something wrong on “Driven mileage”.

  1. send a diagnostic report


PS: can I also help you to translate your app to Italian language?


Hi Martijn,

I’ve been using We connect for an ID3 and an Audi Q4 for a long time.
The Audi Q4 was replaced by a Q8 e-tron and I have problems with that.
I can get all the data from the Audi (API also shows everything), only the air conditioning doesn’t seem to work.
No “Remaining Climate Time” display. Starting/stopping the air conditioning using a button or program doesn’t work either.

What also doesn’t update/display is the “Connected” indicator.

In general, I am connected to the vehicle, so I can open and close the car using a button without any problems and when charging, for example, “Plug connected”, charging time, etc. also displayed.

I deleted the vehicle several times and re-created it with different settings (e-tron / Audi). Problem remains.

Could you take a look there?
Many thanks.

@xazac. Oh wow thats interesting :joy:
Will check your report!

And yes sure! Would be really nice.

The core app can be found here:
all translateble items are in these 2 links:

You can create a PR, or send me the files in a DM, both are fine :smiley:
And ofcourse no rush!

@Tregobad Good choice! :slight_smile:

yeah audi still has issues. The API was changed a while ago and Audi still is not up to date with the latest data.
so unfortunately i have to wait for an update.

Also see: [APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

@xazac Something is rellay off in your API data.

all data is showing mileages. on 2147483647

    id: "0x0101010002",
    field: [
        id: "0x0101010002",
        tsCarSentUtc: "2023-09-28T17:11:57Z",
        tsCarSent: "2023-09-28T19:11:06",
        tsCarCaptured: "2023-09-28T19:11:06",
        tsTssReceivedUtc: "2023-09-28T17:11:58Z",
        milCarCaptured: 2147483647,
        milCarSent: 2147483647,
        value: "2147483647",

Does the app on your phone show the correct data?

Inside the inspection time i see 5211 which looks correct but the sent mileage is wrong again

        id: "0x0203010004",
        tsCarSentUtc: "2023-09-28T17:11:57Z",
        tsCarSent: "2023-09-28T19:11:06",
        tsCarCaptured: "2023-09-26T09:07:38",
        tsTssReceivedUtc: "2023-09-28T17:11:58Z",
        milCarCaptured: 5211,
        milCarSent: 2147483647,
        value: "-123",
        textId: "interval.inspection.time",

Edit: you can also check in the webportal: https://identity.vwgroup.io/signin-service/v1/signin/d2d5cfa4-fdeb-44cb-a621-853c649748ad@apps_vw-dilab_com?relayState=ae993828d80e4bfd32b82f761bf3ed7798eda6aa

New app update (LIVE: 1.20.1) vw


  • None

New app update (LIVE: 1.20.1) Audi


  • None

New app update (LIVE: 1.20.5) Skoda


  • NEW: add odometer for Enyaq

New app update (LIVE: 1.20.1) Seat


  • None

New app update (LIVE: 1.20.1) Cupra


  • None

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - AppName - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

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