[APP][Pro] Tuya Zigbee App

Hi all.

As of September 2023, I request that all device requests be directed to Github. The reason is straightforward: previously, when requests were made in this thread, I had to manually create an issue on Github, transfer the information, fill in any missing details, and then schedule the device to be added. Additionally, many requests were either duplicates or inquiries about the status of an existing request. On top of this, the thread became difficult to manage, and valuable information and interesting discussions were drowned out by inquiries about new devices or the status of old requests.

I hope that creating a Github account (which is free and straightforward) isn’t too much to ask. Doing so will significantly streamline my process for handling requests and follow-ups. I believe this approach will also encourage more individuals to contribute code.

Old requests made in this thread can be found here: https://community.homey.app/t/app-pro-tuya-zigbee-app-device-request-archive/. I will do my best to catch any requests not already on github.

You are all, and will always be, more than welcome to discuss the app, report problems, seek support, share ideas, and more in this thread. All I ask is that device requests be made on Github.