[APP][Pro] sysInternals - Shows Homey’s System Internals


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I restarted again Homey, seems I got it working for a sec - and it’s again without updates.
Lucky you it works for you :wink:

update hmm, after 5 hours and several restarts (app, Homey), suddenly it works?

Hmmm… While I know of a couple of cases where sysInternals didn’t start every reboot, especially when more then ~150 Apps where installed in my case. :wink:

But I updated to RC9 4 days ago on the two almost empty Homey’s and that went fine without sysInternals going into the “sleep” mode (App running but Dead, not updating.)

I will try to pick up development next week,


FYI, Sysinternals do not hang on RC10 anymore - just the previous issues remains, that were already shared in this thread.

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Total memory is not updated, even after a few days, storage is now ok, but the total memory seems not to be updated. Have done 2 to 3 times a reload of the sysinternal app, total memory is still the old value.

HP2023 with CM4108032, v10.0.6 and sysinternal app v0.5.2
Diag: 626ec805-f385-4d7e-b865-717746e89426


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Ranney did it start working suddenly as well. ? Firdt success after…6 months? On Homey v10.0.9-rc.1 btw

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Interesting! Here I’m on the latest stable release. No updates since installation.

Would be great if the app is working for that part too :muscle::+1:


I have problems with my cpu, restart homey and few hours later same problem. I have the power adapter 5.2v so what can i do?

Try also another USB-C cable

Thx. Will try it.


I have a couple of times tried to install the sysinternals app on my HP23.
After a few hours, to a day my homey becomes unresponsive. App won’t load etc.
Then I can remove power from HP23 and reboot it, and it will again run for a short while.
If I uninstall the sysinternals app, I don’t have this problem.
How can I figure out why it crashes, when sysinternals app is installed. I would love to have it stable and being able to have this app working.

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So I recently started getting the message A CPU Alarm Occured! It has always worked fine without that message since the beginning. I have the new adapter and the USB cables that came with it. I have also tried a new USB cable, but that does not solve the problem. I also get the message without an Ethernet adapter. What else can I try? I just added this screenshot just to be sure

But at least you see 8Gb rAM, I still see 2GB. How did you manage that?
I’ve even tried reinstalling the app, but still shows up as 2GB.

There are several things happening, some values only update once a week, so then you should be patience.

But, i have now had 2 strange things, after first installation total memory was not updated, never. Then I remove the app and reinstalled it, total memory was ok, but storage values where not there, waited a week, not updated, including a reboot of the homey.
Then after 2 weeks i reboted teh homey for some reason and poef the storage was there. That was 10 days ago, last update on other storage is now 8 days ago.

I’ve just replaced the CM4 on mine as well, and I have the same issue. Sysinternals only shows 2 GB of total memory. Free memory shows 7-ish GB, though. And the storage has updated correctly, so the only value that is incorrect is “Total memory”. Restarting Homey or just the app makes no difference. I have not tried reinstalling the app, as I would like to keep the insights to be able to compare against values with the old CM4.

@Dijker Do you have any idea why “Total memory” is stuck with the old value?

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FYI, the non test version does not work at all on my 2023.(10.1.0)

Tried the test version, it seems to work much better.


Even though some values are missing! :thinking:

This worked great, but has recently (couple of months) stopped working. It works great for a short while after an uninstall - reinstall (remove device, add new device), then just stops updating. Temperature, load avg 1m last updated 6 days ago. 0.5.2. I can’t seem to find a test version.


No values for storage are shown.



Please restart the SysInternals App.

tried, even complete reinstall of the app. and restart of homey pro. no help in any action