[APP][Pro] Synology

@Iljas_Mahieu it was just my guess i dont know where you can set this in the top of my head. Have to search as well :wink:

Will check tomorrow :slight_smile:

ok thx, i search everywhere but cant find it :slight_smile:

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@Iljas_Mahieu its something with blocked ips. As said i’ll check tomorrow…im not home at the moment

Did you find something, because i cant find nothing

@Iljas_Mahieu yes:

DSM 6: Control Panel - Security - Account - Allow/Block list
DSM 7: Control Panel - Security - Protection - Allow/Block list

to bad, thats not the solution

@Iljas_Mahieu ok, then i dont know. Only thing i saw is that your Synology is blocking the API calls. So its something on your NAS :confused:

i’m wondering how to use the hashed in the tag.

I am trying to upload snapshots and add a date-time stamp to the filename but cant find out how to do so.

Thanks for the help

@Stephan sorry i have no idea what you mean. What is it you’re trying to do?

i would like to upload snapshots to the NAS (works now already) but change the filename (currently a long name like “aad540762108c6534b5fddda5f03eab213036c38” ) to the currect date-time like:
2023-12-19/20:28.JPG or something simular.

I have no clue what the hashed option does, other then that it creates a new file instead of overwriting the currect one.

@Stephan currently not possible. It just creates a new file. This would require a change in the uploading mechanism

thanks for the quick answer

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New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.10.3.):

  • FIX: some cards had wrong type, causing issue in Homey-Core

@Sharkys FYI :point_up:

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Thanks for the great app! It works great, my Synology DS214Play is connected, the only thing not working is the start by using wake on LAN.

I can wakeup my Synology using the DS Finder app, but nothing happens when I use the flow card.

Any ideas?

@neoscaler did you enable WOL in your DSM?

See FAQ Q3

Thanks for he hint with the MAC adress. I did not enter it there, I suppose it will work then.

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@neoscaler the API doesn’t always return the mac address. If you can fill it in manually it should work