[APP][Pro] Synology

@Daniel_van_Mourik ah yes. Will fix :wink:

New app update (live: 1.9.7.):

  • FIX: FTP upload HP23

@Daniel_van_Mourik see :point_up:

Again very fast response! Now this appears:

EPERM: operation not permitted, chmod ‘/userdata’

@martijnpoppen just paid you a coffee for the good work :wink:

@Daniel_van_Mourik Thank you so much!!

Grr HP23 behaves different than HP19 :confused:
Will check :wink:

New app update (live: 1.9.8.):

  • FIX: FTP upload HP23

New try @Daniel_van_Mourik :wink:

When i test the flow (advanced flow - write snapshot of doorbell) it now reboots the app.

Looks like a crash of the app.

Can you share a report?

Nevermind got it :wink:

New app update (live: 1.10.0.):

  • NEW: FTP for HP23


@martijnpoppen works like a charm! Thanks alot and enjoy the coffee or beer…

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@Daniel_van_Mourik thanks very much :wink:

Hi Martijn, would it be possible to add an update trigger? I mean, if a new Update is available on my Synology, homey can send a push notification?


Hey @feRon
Unfortunately not


I cant find my synology?

@Iljas_Mahieu your Synology blocked calls from homey make sure to whitelist Homey in your DSM

where can i find this?

I think firewall. I cant check now :wink:

i dont have a firewall of my synology