[APP][Pro] Synology

Hi @martijnpoppen, quick question.
I noticed that the app authenticates every 15-20 minutes to the Syno.
Since I configured my Syno to send me a push message and email for every authentication, this resulted in a lot of notifications :sweat_smile:
Is there a way that the app keeps the session open instead of opening and closing it every x minutes?

@MrBlue it should keep the session available. But as far as i know you can set the session length in your Synology. Or disable the auto update in Homey and only update your data via a flow

@martijnpoppen whatever I try, I cant get my DS1513+ to be connected. Even disabled 2FA.
See my report, perhaps it iscan be of use to you : fa4cc6ee-ce53-4b88-a511-198926f7bb3a

Hey @Marco_Rombout
Nothing to see in your report. did you restart the app before sending?

---- stdout ----
[log] com.synology - 1.9.5 started...
[log] [Driver] - init DiskStation
[log] [Driver] - version 1.9.5

---- stderr ----


Please make sure to try to add your diskstation and send a report after that
A app restart clears the logs

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I’ve uninstalled the app and am now rebooting my Homey. Install afterwards and will then let you know the results @martijnpoppen
Update: no success after remove/reboot/reinstall: b26beb62-592b-4978-8cf0-674f972a7fc1

The thing is, I’ve had the app installed for years, but then enabled 2FA recently on my DS. I noticed a grayed out icon in my Home overview and saw that the counters were no longer updated. So it had to do with 2FA. As I couldnt get my DS to re-authenticate, with 2FA, within the app, I decided to remove 2FA from the DS and check if this was the issue. Unfortunately to no avail.

@Marco_Rombout looks like you are using your public ip instead of the local address of the Diskstation. Plese make sure to use the local address.

Unless you setup port forwarding etc,but doesn’t look like that’s the case

@martijnpoppen no, my internal network is 172.16.11.X
And yes, I’ve changed the standard listening port of my DS to 4000 for standard HTTP

Interesting, there’s no connection at all to you DS.

In that case can you go to ? and login

I sure can… unencrypted, that is
Hold up… I now see that there is a redirect to port 4001 for DSM desktop, but this should not mean the same for a machine to machine connection, right?

No, I’ve tried 4000 and 4001, both fail.
I know the app is tring to establish something on port 4000, as it takes a couple of seconds, as where 4001 immediately fails with an authentication failure

@Marco_Rombout yes you’re also trying to connect unencrypted from homey
This was the address i saw in your logs.

So if you want to go to https

Then your should tick secure and put in Port 4001

I’ll reply to you personally while exhangeing screenshots

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It’s solved @martijnpoppen ! It had nothing to do with the Synology app, but with tightened security within DSM.
If the account you use to authenticate with the app had once 2FA enabled, there are multiple places in DSM where you must disable that control again. I think it is a bug.
1 - disable 2FA in Personal
2 - also do that in Security-Account-2FA

However, I do want to use a form of extra security. Lets see if Windows Hello works in coherence with a unsecure Homey to Diskstation connection.

Update: Ive created a seperate account within DSM to communicate with Homey as biometric or optical also resulted in a no go with the admin-like account.

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I also solved my problem today which started in the weekend. I got the error that account, password or 2FA was invalid.

I changed my static IP of my NAS. Also changed it in Homey. But I figured out that on my Synology there was a security for blocking IP adresses. My 2FA setting was invalid after updating my IP adress within Homey so it had unsuccesful login attempts.

My local Homey IP adress was blocked to access Synology. I removed the IP from the blocklist within Synology Security tab and everything is working again re-added with new 2FA code.


Yes that happens sometimes when Synology security is strict it will immediately block Homey’s IP

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I have the same issue, is there a solution for this allready?

EPERM: operation not permitted, chmod ‘./uploads/’

@Daniel_van_Mourik oops nope, that has not been fixed.

HP23 i guess?

Indeed a HP23 and a Synology DSM 7 solution

New app update (live: 1.9.6.):

  • FIX: FTP upload HP23

@Daniel_van_Mourik :point_up:

That is fast!

I have to see if it’s a NAS issue but this error occures now

ENOENT: no such file or directory, chmod ‘./userdata/’