[APP][Pro] Synology

Hi @martijnpoppen Okay that makes sense. Not a biggy but I was just wondering why.


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I receive the following error when trying to upload a file for my Synology DiskStation DS220+ through my Homey Pro 2023 in one of my flows.

The same card and function works fine for my Homey 2019, and my other Synology DS216+ in my other house.

Any idea what could be wrong?

Thank you.

This is the flow card used.

@John_Lykke_Nielsen ah yeah seems like folder related of the Homey Pro. Will have a check :wink:

Thank you very much.

Hi! Zijn er problemen met het connecten? Ik heb zojuist de app geĂŻnstalleerd op mijn HP23 en probeer in te loggen. Ik krijg de melding dat ik mijn inloggegevens moet controleren, maar die zijn goed.

Aan de bovenzijde zie ik ook een vreemde titel staan, vandaar de vraag!

Hey @Patrick_Adam
Please keep this thread in English

Most of the time its a issue with your login
Did you use the same url and port as your DSM?

Title i’ll check

Hi Martijn,

Sorry. It succeeded by checking the SSL. IP is local, so that’s where it went wrong. Been playing around for an hour trying to figure out what went wrong before I posted. But it works! :slight_smile:

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Hello Martijn,

first of all, thank you for the great app.

However, I must have accidentally switched off my NAS this morning. Zack, no more internet by using Pihole, Unbound etc. via Docker. Is it possible that the NAS can be turned on and off simply by tapping or swiping on the icon in the Homey app? If so, wouldn’t it be safer to add an extra prompt to power on/off and also reboot? Or have I done something wrong?

Best regards.

Out of curiosity, you have a NAS but have it turned OFF by default. What use case needs that?

@Frankman unfortunately Homey doenst have such a option in their app available.

But if you want to prevent the nas from turning off at all. You can set that inside the device settings of your nas in Homey

No, you have misunderstood me. My NAS is running all the time. I think the monitoring options with the reports in the app are great. Unfortunately, I somehow swiped over the icon and shut down the NAS. Nobody want’s that, and you certainly don’t want other family members to do it accidentally.

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Advanced settings - General settings - Always on - Yes!?

Right? Thank you!

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@Frankman YES!

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

I have a Nas and I turn it on when I use it.

I like to see SRM support also (currently using SRM options via HA)
My collegea at work also would like so see this option (he has no account here).


I experience the same, 69866dc1-c9b8-496f-93ae-6feee7b14bb5

@Marco_Rombout Sorry i don’t know what you mean. What is the issue you’re experiencing?

In your logs i see a lot of errors.
Looks like your 2FA is incorrect

Hi @martijnpoppen 2FA changes every 30 sec or so, so I try to work asap to fill in my connection detail before pairing expires.
I tried multiple times to get it authenticated, without result. So I reverted to the scenario without 2FA and now my Diskstation has been added flasslessly.

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@Marco_Rombout glad it works again.
2FA is indeed tricky to add :confused:

maybe i can add a extra screen in the future specifically for 2FA to make it a bit more user friendly :slight_smile:

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