[APP][Pro] Support for ONVIF compatible cameras (Release 2.0.41)

Hmmm, strange since it is two identical cameras and it only goes out for the garage mounted camera, and behold; today it is back :smiley:

On my first post it is not on the list.

Maybe the camera is not reporting it so when it connects it get’s removed, but it will be forced back in if a notification is received.

I have published an update that has the app trigger for any motion event.

1 Like


I try to add the INSTAR 9408 2k+ as an ONVIF camera in Homey. When I go through the process it does find the camera (ONVIF is enabled) but then it fails. The log file gives the following:

8:43:10.733: callUpstartFunctions ( Started *****
_request ( {
“hostname”: “”,
“port”: 9292,
“agent”: false,
“path”: “/onvif/media2_service”,
“timeout”: 15000,
“headers”: {
“Content-Type”: “application/soap+xml; charset: utf-8; action="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl/GetProfiles\”",
“Content-Length”: 1018,
“charset”: “utf-8”
“method”: “POST”
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=“http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope” xmlns:a=“WS-Addressing 1.0 Namespace”><s:Header><a:MessageID> urn:uuid:50b51895-ad79-f4de-a8a8-4a5c42d46862</a:MessageID>adminlQkuVqzXV8OqXGCayq54yBvkN7w=uAhEcSr6qg21waqmkIrG7A==2023-12-05T08:43:10.327Z</s:Header><s:Body xmlns:xsi=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xmlns:xsd=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema”></s:Body></s:Envelope>

_request response (

8:43:10.974: Connection Failed for Port: 9292 Username: admin
8:43:11.111: Failed to connect to camera, errpr: Wrong ONVIF SOAP response

Do you know what the issue is?


Hendrik-Jan van Dijk

Have you checked the password is correct for the ONVIF admin account?

Are you using the latest test version of the app?

Hi, thanks for responding. The account is correct yes. I downloaded the app just now…version is v2.0.42

When you go to the app in the store, add /test to the end of the URL and install that version (version 2.0.47)


I did install the test version but I get the same respons. I sent the log to you but this is the last try:

15:26:25.927: getCapabilities ( Finished -----
_request ( {
“hostname”: “”,
“port”: 9292,
“agent”: false,
“path”: “/onvif/device_service”,
“timeout”: 15000,
“headers”: {
“Content-Type”: “application/soap+xml; charset: utf-8; action="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/GetDeviceInformation\”",
“Content-Length”: 1028,
“charset”: “utf-8”
“method”: “POST”
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=“http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope” xmlns:a=“WS-Addressing 1.0 Namespace”><s:Header><a:MessageID> urn:uuid:6bd052bf-0aa6-22c0-7c57-6a46b0a0ba72</a:MessageID>adminuVW4ndMUuLRJP6so+SrSL9WUvRI=EihLArMqfuGm2MCxta3Hig==2023-12-05T15:26:25.385Z</s:Header><s:Body xmlns:xsi=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xmlns:xsd=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema”></s:Body></s:Envelope>

_request response (

15:26:26.107: Failed to connect to camera, errpr: Wrong ONVIF SOAP response
15:27:47.183: Sending log
15:27:49.842: Message sent: df80985b-61e1-1783-ca83-382a2545fc06@ady.duckdns.org

Maybe it is a different version of ONVIF?



Did you have the log level set to Full Information?
If not could you select that and try again as I should be seeing the content of bad message.

Yes the log was full information. Is there something missing in the log itself?

After successfully connecting my camera, I go to the device on homey and I get the unauthorized orange bar and black screen.

Looking in the logs I see the following:
19:57:26.469: Fetching ( NOW image with Basic Auth. From:
19:57:26.636: SnapShot fetch result ( Status: false, Message: Unauthorized, Code: 401

but that password it states in the URL is not the one I configured the camera with. Is this perhaps the reason why I get the unauthorized? I never filled in that password anywhere?

The password you see there is probably a hash encoded version. When using Basic Auth there are separate headers the pass in the username and password, so I’m surprised they are in the URL for Basic Auth. There should be other lines in the log that show other attempts with different methods as when a 401 error is encountered it move on to the next authentication type.

So, with one of my cameras that uses Basic Auth I get:

21:41:22.065: Fetching ( NOW image with no Auth from:
21:41:22.151: SnapShot fetch result ( Status: false, Message: Unauthorized, Code: 401

21:41:22.160: Fetching ( NOW image with Basic Auth. From:
21:41:22.982: SnapShot fetch result ( Status: true, Message: OK, Code: 200

and if the Basic Auth failed it would then try the Digest Auth method.

1 Like

Error adding Vivotek cameras, both CC9381-HV and FD9360-H:

Error: Discovery error: undefined.

Have sent full log file.

I haven’t got the log so could you send it again.
Have you tried the test version (2.0.47)?

I attach the full log here:

> Log ID: 2023-12-10T14:28:18.653Z
> App version 2.0.42
> 14:28:18.653: ====  Discovery Starting  ====
> 14:28:18.784: Reply from {
> 	"hostname": "",
> 	"port": "80",
> 	"path": "/onvif/device_service",
> 	"urn": "urn:uuid:1ef53f2c-9a1b-85a0-66f9-70cd96958b0b",
> 	"href": ""
> }
> 14:28:18.913: Discovery on error: Wrong SOAP message from
> 14:28:18.915: xml: <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <soap:Envelope   >
> 	<soap:Header>
> 		<wsa:Action>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/04/discovery/ProbeMatches</wsa:Action>
> 		<wsa:MessageID>urn:uuid:721e0050-2774-4e9a-b26c-c737ab23aa5c</wsa:MessageID>
> 		<wsa:RelatesTo>urn:uuid:f21d4d97-7ee0-9b8a-ddcc-9c9d286cb155</wsa:RelatesTo>
> 		<wsa:To>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous</wsa:To>
> 		<wsd:AppSequence InstanceId="1796549065" MessageNumber="1"/>
> 	</soap:Header>
> 	<soap:Body>
> 		<wsd:ProbeMatches/>
> 	</soap:Body>
> </soap:Envelope>
> 14:28:19.009: Reply from {
> 	"hostname": "",
> 	"port": "80",
> 	"path": "/onvif/device_service",
> 	"urn": "urn:uuid:a363e001-1e2d-f029-d00e-4aa05a199913",
> 	"href": ""
> }
> 14:28:19.023: Reply from {
> 	"hostname": "",
> 	"port": "80",
> 	"path": "/onvif/device_service",
> 	"urn": "urn:uuid:8cb28c88-fc4d-fa58-4548-fb2e723526a3",
> 	"href": ""
> }
> 14:28:19.125: Discovery on error: Wrong SOAP message from
> 14:28:19.127: xml: <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <soap:Envelope   >
> 	<soap:Header>
> 		<wsa:Action>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/04/discovery/ProbeMatches</wsa:Action>
> 		<wsa:MessageID>urn:uuid:721e0050-2774-4e9a-b26c-c737ab23aa5c</wsa:MessageID>
> 		<wsa:RelatesTo>urn:uuid:f21d4d97-7ee0-9b8a-ddcc-9c9d286cb155</wsa:RelatesTo>
> 		<wsa:To>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous</wsa:To>
> 		<wsd:AppSequence InstanceId="1796549065" MessageNumber="1"/>
> 	</soap:Header>
> 	<soap:Body>
> 		<wsd:ProbeMatches/>
> 	</soap:Body>
> </soap:Envelope>
> 14:28:27.667: ====  Discovery Finished  ====
> 14:28:27.670: Discovered: [
> 	{
> 		"name": "",
> 		"data": {
> 			"id": "00:02:d1:89:98:e6"
> 		},
> 		"settings": {
> 			"username": "",
> 			"password": "",
> 			"ip": "",
> 			"port": "80",
> 			"urn": "urn:uuid:1ef53f2c-9a1b-85a0-66f9-70cd96958b0b",
> 			"channel": -1
> 		}
> 	},
> 	{
> 		"name": "",
> 		"data": {
> 			"id": "00:02:d1:89:73:4a"
> 		},
> 		"settings": {
> 			"username": "",
> 			"password": "",
> 			"ip": "",
> 			"port": "80",
> 			"urn": "urn:uuid:a363e001-1e2d-f029-d00e-4aa05a199913",
> 			"channel": -1
> 		}
> 	},
> 	{
> 		"name": "",
> 		"data": {
> 			"id": "00:02:d1:24:ae:94"
> 		},
> 		"settings": {
> 			"username": "",
> 			"password": "",
> 			"ip": "",
> 			"port": "80",
> 			"urn": "urn:uuid:8cb28c88-fc4d-fa58-4548-fb2e723526a3",
> 			"channel": -1
> 		}
> 	}
> ]
> 14:28:44.874: Login-----
> 14:28:44.878: --------------------------
> 14:28:44.881: Connect to Camera - admin
> 14:28:44.890: 
> _request ( {
> 	"hostname": "",
> 	"port": 80,
> 	"agent": false,
> 	"path": "/onvif/device_service",
> 	"timeout": 15000,
> 	"headers": {
> 		"Content-Type": "application/soap+xml; charset: utf-8; action=\"http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/GetSystemDateAndTime\"",
> 		"Content-Length": 261,
> 		"charset": "utf-8"
> 	},
> 	"method": "POST"
> }
> <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"><s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><GetSystemDateAndTime xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl"/></s:Body></s:Envelope>
> 14:28:44.962: 
> _request response ( <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:tt="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/schema" xmlns:tds="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl" xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" xmlns:wsaw="http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl"><env:Header><wsa:Action>http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/GetSystemDateAndTime</wsa:Action></env:Header><env:Body><tds:GetSystemDateAndTimeResponse><tds:SystemDateAndTime><tt:DateTimeType>NTP</tt:DateTimeType><tt:DaylightSavings>true</tt:DaylightSavings><tt:TimeZone><tt:TZ>CET-1CEST,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/3</tt:TZ></tt:TimeZone><tt:UTCDateTime><tt:Time><tt:Hour>14</tt:Hour><tt:Minute>28</tt:Minute><tt:Second>46</tt:Second></tt:Time><tt:Date><tt:Year>2023</tt:Year><tt:Month>12</tt:Month><tt:Day>10</tt:Day></tt:Date></tt:UTCDateTime><tt:LocalDateTime><tt:Time><tt:Hour>15</tt:Hour><tt:Minute>28</tt:Minute><tt:Second>46</tt:Second></tt:Time><tt:Date><tt:Year>2023</tt:Year><tt:Month>12</tt:Month><tt:Day>10</tt:Day></tt:Date></tt:LocalDateTime></tds:SystemDateAndTime></tds:GetSystemDateAndTimeResponse></env:Body></env:Envelope>
> 14:28:44.968: getSystemDateAndTime ( Sun Dec 10 2023 14:28:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time), Time Shift: 1033 Finished -----
> 14:28:44.971: getServices ( Started *****
> 14:28:44.981: 
> _request ( {
> 	"hostname": "",
> 	"port": 80,
> 	"agent": false,
> 	"path": "/onvif/device_service",
> 	"timeout": 15000,
> 	"headers": {
> 		"Content-Type": "application/soap+xml; charset: utf-8; action=\"http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/GetServices\"",
> 		"Content-Length": 1075,
> 		"charset": "utf-8"
> 	},
> 	"method": "POST"
> }
> <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:a="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing"><s:Header><a:MessageID> urn:uuid:9dbf11ea-b9ec-9eb0-4619-d1c653f06bb1</a:MessageID><Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"><UsernameToken><Username>admin</Username><Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordDigest">CXARMoWHlIKLY6GsIa34wXj7IyI=</Password><Nonce EncodingType="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary">U0kFkUptdl7W3ImlvBYvpg==</Nonce><Created xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd">2023-12-10T14:28:46.007Z</Created></UsernameToken></Security></s:Header><s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><GetServices xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl"><IncludeCapability>true</IncludeCapability></GetServices></s:Body></s:Envelope>
> 14:28:45.086: 
> _request response ( <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:tt="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/schema" xmlns:tds="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl" xmlns:trt="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl" xmlns:timg="http://www.onvif.org/ver20/imaging/wsdl" xmlns:tptz="http://www.onvif.org/ver20/ptz/wsdl" xmlns:tan="http://www.onvif.org/ver20/analytics/wsdl" xmlns:tmd="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/deviceIO/wsdl" xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" xmlns:wsaw="http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl" xmlns:tet="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/events/wsdl" xmlns:trc="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/recording/wsdl" xmlns:tse="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/search/wsdl" xmlns:trp="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/replay/wsdl" xmlns:tr2="http://www.onvif.org/ver20/media/wsdl"><env:Header><wsa:Action>http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/GetServices</wsa:Action></env:Header><env:Body><tds:GetServicesResponse><tds:Service><tds:Namespace>http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl</tds:Namespace><tds:XAddr></tds:XAddr><tds:Capabilities><tds:Capabilities><tds:Network IPFilter="true" ZeroConfiguration="true" IPVersion6="true" DynDNS="false" Dot11Configuration="false" HostnameFromDHCP="false" NTP="1" /><tds:Security TLS1.0="true" TLS1.1="true" TLS1.2="true" OnboardKeyGeneration="true" AccessPolicyConfig="false" X.509Token="true" SAMLToken="false" KerberosToken="false" RELToken="false" DefaultAccessPolicy="false" Dot1X="false" RemoteUserHandling="false" UsernameToken="true" HttpDigest="true" SupportedEAPMethods="0" MaxUsers="21" MaxUserNameLength="64" MaxPasswordLength="64" /><tds:System DiscoveryResolve="true" DiscoveryBye="true" RemoteDiscovery="false" SystemBackup="false" SystemLogging="true" FirmwareUpgrade="false" HttpFirmwareUpgrade="true" HttpSystemBackup="true" HttpSystemLogging="false" HttpSupportInformation="false" /></tds:Capabilities></tds:Capabilities><tds:Version><tt:Major>1</tt:Major><tt:Minor>05</tt:Minor></tds:Version></tds:Service><tds:Service><tds:Namespace>http://www.onvif.org/ver10/events/wsdl</tds:Namespace><tds:XAddr></tds:XAddr><tds:Capabilities><tet:Capabilities WSSubscriptionPolicySupport="true" WSPullPointSupport="true" WSPausableSubscriptionManagerInterfaceSupport="false" MaxNotificationProducers="10" MaxPullPoints="10" PersistentNotificationStorage="false" /></tds:Capabilities><tds:Version><tt:Major>1</tt:Major><tt:Minor>05</tt:Minor></tds:Version></tds:Service><tds:Service><tds:Namespace>http://www.onvif.org/ver20/imaging/wsdl</tds:Namespace><tds:XAddr></tds:XAddr><tds:Capabilities><timg:Capabilities ImageStabilization="false" /></tds:Capabilities><tds:Version><tt:Major>2</tt:Major><tt:Minor>03</tt:Minor></tds:Version></tds:Service><tds:Service><tds:Namespace>http://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl</tds:Namespace><tds:XAddr></tds:XAddr><tds:Capabilities><trt:Capabilities SnapshotUri="true" Rotation="true" ><trt:ProfileCapabilities MaximumNumberOfProfiles="8" /><trt:StreamingCapabilities RTPMulticast="true" RTP_TCP="true" RTP_RTSP_TCP="true" NonAggregateControl="false" /></trt:Capabilities></tds:Capabilities><tds:Version><tt:Major>1</tt:Major><tt:Minor>05</tt:Minor></tds:Version></tds:Service><tds:Service><tds:Namespace>http://www.onvif.org/ver10/deviceIO/wsdl</tds:Namespace><tds:XAddr></tds:XAddr><tds:Capabilities><tmd:Capabilities VideoSources="1" VideoOutputs="0" AudioSources="1" AudioOutputs="0" RelayOutputs="0" SerialPorts="0" DigitalInputs="0" DigitalInputOptions="true" /></tds:Capabilities><tds:Version><tt:Major>1</tt:Major><tt:Minor>04</tt:Minor></tds:Version></tds:Service><tds:Service><tds:Namespace>http://www.onvif.org/ver10/search/wsdl</tds:Namespace><tds:XAddr></tds:XAddr><tds:Capabilities><tse:Capabilities MetadataSearch="false" GeneralStartEvents="true" /></tds:Capabilities><tds:Version><tt:Major>2</tt:Major><tt:Minor>41</tt:Minor></tds:Version></tds:Service><tds:Service><tds:Namespace>http://www.onvif.org/ver10/replay/wsdl</tds:Namespace><tds:XAddr></tds:XAddr><tds:Capabilities><trp:Capabilities ReversePlayback="false" SessionTimeoutRange="60.000000 60.000000" RTP_RTSP_TCP="true" /></tds:Capabilities><tds:Version><tt:Major>2</tt:Major><tt:Minor>41</tt:Minor></tds:Version></tds:Service><tds:Service><tds:Namespace>http://www.onvif.org/ver10/recording/wsdl</tds:Namespace><tds:XAddr></tds:XAddr><tds:Capabilities><trc:Capabilities DynamicRecordings="true" DynamicTracks="false" Encoding="JPEG H264 G711 G726" MaxRate="80000.000000" MaxTotalRate="80000.000000" MaxRecordings="2.000000" MaxRecordingJobs="2" Options="true" MetadataRecording="false" /></tds:Capabilities><tds:Version><tt:Major>2</tt:Major><tt:Minor>41</tt:Minor></tds:Version></tds:Service><tds:Service><tds:Namespace>http://www.onvif.org/ver20/media/wsdl</tds:Namespace><tds:XAddr></tds:XAddr><tds:Capabilities><tr2:Capabilities SnapshotUri="true" Rotation="true" VideoSourceMode="true" OSD="true" TemporaryOSDText="true" Mask="false" SourceMask="false" ><tr2:ProfileCapabilities MaximumNumberOfProfiles="8" ConfigurationsSupported="VideoSource VideoEncoder AudioSource AudioEncoder Metadata" /><tr2:StreamingCapabilities RTSPStreaming="true" RTPMulticast="true" RTP_RTSP_TCP="true" NonAggregateControl="false" RTSPWebSocketUri="ws:/ws/rtsp-over-websocket" AutoStartMulticast="true" /></tr2:Capabilities></tds:Capabilities><tds:Version><tt:Major>17</tt:Major><tt:Minor>12</tt:Minor></tds:Version></tds:Service></tds:GetServicesResponse></env:Body></env:Envelope>
> 14:28:45.101: getServices ( [
> 	{
> 		"getServicesResponse": [
> 			{
> 				"service": [
> 					{
> 						"namespace": [
> 							"http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl"
> 						],
> 						"XAddr": [
> 							""
> 						],
> 						"capabilities": [
> 							{
> 								"capabilities": [
> 									{
> 										"network": [
> 											{
> 												"$": {
> 													"IPFilter": "true",
> 													"ZeroConfiguration": "true",
> 													"IPVersion6": "true",
> 													"DynDNS": "false",
> 													"Dot11Configuration": "false",
> 													"HostnameFromDHCP": "false",
> 													"NTP": "1"
> 												}
> 											}
> 										],
> 										"security": [
> 											{
> 												"$": {
> 													"TLS1.0": "true",
> 													"TLS1.1": "true",
> 													"TLS1.2": "true",
> 													"OnboardKeyGeneration": "true",
> 													"AccessPolicyConfig": "false",
> 													"X.509Token": "true",
> 													"SAMLToken": "false",
> 													"KerberosToken": "false",
> 													"RELToken": "false",
> 													"DefaultAccessPolicy": "false",
> 													"Dot1X": "false",
> 													"RemoteUserHandling": "false",
> 													"UsernameToken": "true",
> 													"HttpDigest": "true",
> 													"SupportedEAPMethods": "0",
> 													"MaxUsers": "21",
> 													"MaxUserNameLength": "64",
> 													"MaxPasswordLength": "64"
> 												}
> 											}
> 										],
> 										"system": [
> 											{
> 												"$": {
> 													"DiscoveryResolve": "true",
> 													"DiscoveryBye": "true",
> 													"RemoteDiscovery": "false",
> 													"SystemBackup": "false",
> 													"SystemLogging": "true",
> 													"FirmwareUpgrade": "false",
> 													"HttpFirmwareUpgrade": "true",
> 													"HttpSystemBackup": "true",
> 													"HttpSystemLogging": "false",
> 													"HttpSupportInformation": "false"
> 												}
> 											}
> 										]
> 									}
> 								]
> 							}
> 						],
> 						"version": [
> 							{
> 								"major": [
> 									"1"
> 								],
> 								"minor": [
> 									"05"
> 								]
> 							}
> 						]
> 					},
> 					{
> 						"namespace": [
> 							"http://www.onvif.org/ver10/events/wsdl"
> 						],
> 						"XAddr": [
> 							""
> 						],
> 						"capabilities": [
> 							{
> 								"capabilities": [
> 									{
> 										"$": {
> 											"WSSubscriptionPolicySupport": "true",
> 											"WSPullPointSupport": "true",
> 											"WSPausableSubscriptionManagerInterfaceSupport": "false",
> 											"MaxNotificationProducers": "10",
> 											"MaxPullPoints": "10",
> 											"PersistentNotificationStorage": "false"
> 										}
> 									}
> 								]
> 							}
> 						],
> 						"version": [
> 							{
> 								"major": [
> 									"1"
> 								],
> 								"minor": [
> 									"05"
> 								]
> 							}
> 						]
> 					},
> 					{
> 						"namespace": [
> 							"http://www.onvif.org/ver20/imaging/wsdl"
> 						],
> 						"XAddr": [
> 							""
> 						],
> 						"capabilities": [
> 							{
> 								"capabilities": [
> 									{
> 										"$": {
> 											"ImageStabilization": "false"
> 										}
> 									}
> 								]
> 							}
> 						],
> 						"version": [
> 							{
> 								"major": [
> 									"2"
> 								],
> 								"minor": [
> 									"03"
> 								]
> 							}
> 						]
> 					},
> 					{
> 						"namespace": [
> 							"http://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl"
> 						],
> 						"XAddr": [
> 							""
> 						],
> 						"capabilities": [
> 							{
> 								"capabilities": [
> 									{
> 										"$": {
> 											"SnapshotUri": "true",
> 											"Rotation": "true"
> 										},
> 										"profileCapabilities": [
> 											{
> 												"$": {
> 													"MaximumNumberOfProfiles": "8"
> 												}
> 											}
> 										],
> 										"streamingCapabilities": [
> 											{
> 												"$": {
> 													"RTPMulticast": "true",
> 													"RTP_TCP": "true",
> 													"RTP_RTSP_TCP": "true",
> 													"NonAggregateControl": "false"
> 												}
> 											}
> 										]
> 									}
> 								]
> 							}
> 						],
> 						"version": [
> 							{
> 								"major": [
> 									"1"
> 								],
> 								"minor": [
> 									"05"
> 								]
> 							}
> 						]
> 					},
> 					{
> 						"namespace": [
> 							"http://www.onvif.org/ver10/deviceIO/wsdl"
> 						],
> 						"XAddr": [
> 							""
> 						],
> 						"capabilities": [
> 							{
> 								"capabilities": [
> 									{
> 										"$": {
> 											"VideoSources": "1",
> 											"VideoOutputs": "0",
> 											"AudioSources": "1",
> 											"AudioOutputs": "0",
> 											"RelayOutputs": "0",
> 											"SerialPorts": "0",
> 											"DigitalInputs": "0",
> 											"DigitalInputOptions": "true"
> 										}
> 									}
> 								]
> 							}
> 						],
> 						"version": [
> 							{
> 								"major": [
> 									"1"
> 								],
> 								"minor": [
> 									"04"
> 								]
> 							}
> 						]
> 					},
> 					{
> 						"namespace": [
> 							"http://www.onvif.org/ver10/search/wsdl"
> 						],
> 						"XAddr": [
> 							""
> 						],
> 						"capabilities": [
> 							{
> 								"capabilities": [
> 									{
> 										"$": {
> 											"MetadataSearch": "false",
> 											"GeneralStartEvents": "true"
> 										}
> 									}
> 								]
> 							}
> 						],
> 						"version": [
> 							{
> 								"major": [
> 									"2"
> 								],
> 								"minor": [
> 									"41"
> 								]
> 							}
> 						]
> 					},
> 					{
> 						"namespace": [
> 							"http://www.onvif.org/ver10/replay/wsdl"
> 						],
> 						"XAddr": [
> 							""
> 						],
> 						"capabilities": [
> 							{
> 								"capabilities": [
> 									{
> 										"$": {
> 											"ReversePlayback": "false",
> 											"SessionTimeoutRange": "60.000000 60.000000",
> 											"RTP_RTSP_TCP": "true"
> 										}
> 									}
> 								]
> 							}
> 						],
> 						"version": [
> 							{
> 								"major": [
> 									"2"
> 								],
> 								"minor": [
> 									"41"
> 								]
> 							}
> 						]
> 					},
> 					{
> 						"namespace": [
> 							"http://www.onvif.org/ver10/recording/wsdl"
> 						],
> 						"XAddr": [
> 							""
> 						],
> 						"capabilities": [
> 							{
> 								"capabilities": [
> 									{
> 										"$": {
> 											"DynamicRecordings": "true",
> 											"DynamicTracks": "false",
> 											"Encoding": "JPEG H264 G711 G726",
> 											"MaxRate": "80000.000000",
> 											"MaxTotalRate": "80000.000000",
> 											"MaxRecordings": "2.000000",
> 											"MaxRecordingJobs": "2",
> 											"Options": "true",
> 											"MetadataRecording": "false"
> 										}
> 									}
> 								]
> 							}
> 						],
> 						"version": [
> 							{
> 								"major": [
> 									"2"
> 								],
> 								"minor": [
> 									"41"
> 								]
> 							}
> 						]
> 					},
> 					{
> 						"namespace": [
> 							"http://www.onvif.org/ver20/media/wsdl"
> 						],
> 						"XAddr": [
> 							""
> 						],
> 						"capabilities": [
> 							{
> 								"capabilities": [
> 									{
> 										"$": {
> 											"SnapshotUri": "true",
> 											"Rotation": "true",
> 											"VideoSourceMode": "true",
> 											"OSD": "true",
> 											"TemporaryOSDText": "true",
> 											"Mask": "false",
> 											"SourceMask": "false"
> 										},
> 										"profileCapabilities": [
> 											{
> 												"$": {
> 													"MaximumNumberOfProfiles": "8",
> 													"ConfigurationsSupported": "VideoSource VideoEncoder AudioSource AudioEncoder Metadata"
> 												}
> 											}
> 										],
> 										"streamingCapabilities": [
> 											{
> 												"$": {
> 													"RTSPStreaming": "true",
> 													"RTPMulticast": "true",
> 													"RTP_RTSP_TCP": "true",
> 													"NonAggregateControl": "false",
> 													"RTSPWebSocketUri": "ws:/ws/rtsp-over-websocket",
> 													"AutoStartMulticast": "true"
> 												}
> 											}
> 										]
> 									}
> 								]
> 							}
> 						],
> 						"version": [
> 							{
> 								"major": [
> 									"17"
> 								],
> 								"minor": [
> 									"12"
> 								]
> 							}
> 						]
> 					}
> 				]
> 			}
> 		]
> 	}
> ]
> 14:28:45.117: getServices ( Finished -----
> 14:28:45.125: callUpstartFunctions ( Started *****
> 14:28:45.143: 
> _request ( {
> 	"hostname": "",
> 	"port": 80,
> 	"agent": false,
> 	"path": "/onvif/media2_service",
> 	"timeout": 15000,
> 	"headers": {
> 		"Content-Type": "application/soap+xml; charset: utf-8; action=\"http://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl/GetProfiles\"",
> 		"Content-Length": 1018,
> 		"charset": "utf-8"
> 	},
> 	"method": "POST"
> }
> <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:a="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing"><s:Header><a:MessageID> urn:uuid:fdd9a70b-73f7-84cc-1faf-1749d9708cc7</a:MessageID><Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"><UsernameToken><Username>admin</Username><Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordDigest">e8i/vNvFTPT/iBE92ncvUckjRTY=</Password><Nonce EncodingType="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary">hkEZlymZ748D+f6ZIKObmQ==</Nonce><Created xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd">2023-12-10T14:28:46.170Z</Created></UsernameToken></Security></s:Header><s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><GetProfiles xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl"/></s:Body></s:Envelope>
> 14:28:45.898: 
> _request response ( <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:tt="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/schema" xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" xmlns:tr2="http://www.onvif.org/ver20/media/wsdl"><env:Header><wsa:Action>http://www.onvif.org/ver20/media/wsdl/GetProfiles</wsa:Action></env:Header><env:Body><tr2:GetProfilesResponse><tr2:Profiles token="Profile94c5" fixed="true"><tr2:Name>Profile94c5</tr2:Name><tr2:Configurations></tr2:Configurations></tr2:Profiles><tr2:Profiles token="Profilec4ed" fixed="true"><tr2:Name>Profilec4ed</tr2:Name><tr2:Configurations></tr2:Configurations></tr2:Profiles><tr2:Profiles token="Profile539d" fixed="true"><tr2:Name>Profile539d</tr2:Name><tr2:Configurations></tr2:Configurations></tr2:Profiles></tr2:GetProfilesResponse></env:Body></env:Envelope>
> 14:28:45.909: 
> _request ( {
> 	"hostname": "",
> 	"port": 80,
> 	"agent": false,
> 	"path": "/onvif/media2_service",
> 	"timeout": 15000,
> 	"headers": {
> 		"Content-Type": "application/soap+xml; charset: utf-8; action=\"http://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl/GetVideoSources\"",
> 		"Content-Length": 1022,
> 		"charset": "utf-8"
> 	},
> 	"method": "POST"
> }
> <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:a="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing"><s:Header><a:MessageID> urn:uuid:fabe70d4-5a41-3629-7ba7-30d89c202495</a:MessageID><Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"><UsernameToken><Username>admin</Username><Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordDigest">2zWquc5KJNrsT0FzSfAfZMfg7NA=</Password><Nonce EncodingType="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary">IuB2qBFHqATcKgDBUnBl7Q==</Nonce><Created xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd">2023-12-10T14:28:46.938Z</Created></UsernameToken></Security></s:Header><s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><GetVideoSources xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl"/></s:Body></s:Envelope>
> 14:28:46.011: 
> _request response ( <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:tt="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/schema" xmlns:ter="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/error" xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" xmlns:wsnt="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsn/b-2" xmlns:wsrf-bf="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsrf/bf-2" xmlns:wsrf-r="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsrf/r-2"><env:Header><wsa:Action>http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/soap/fault</wsa:Action></env:Header><env:Body><env:Fault><env:Code><env:Value>env:Receiver</env:Value><env:Subcode><env:Value>ter:ActionNotSupported</env:Value></env:Subcode></env:Code><env:Reason><env:Text xml:lang="en">Operation Action Not Implemented. The requested action operation is not implemented by the device.</env:Text></env:Reason></env:Fault></env:Body></env:Envelope>
> 14:28:46.016: Connection Failed for Port: 80 Username: admin
> 14:28:46.022: Failed to connect to camera, errpr: undefined
> 14:29:21.675: Sending log
> 14:29:23.011: Message sent: <5cd423a2-75a6-d462-2bca-d0e8fe04541e@ady.duckdns.org>

So it seems the camera doesn’t support the get video sources request. I will check to see what that is required for to see if I can add the camera with limited functionality.

I just noticed you are still on version 2.0.42 and that issue has been fixed already in the test version. Can you update to 2.0.47 and try again.

Thank you. I updated to 2.0.47, the experimental version, at camera was installed!
No video stream?, but access to settings and motion detection.

Homey doesn’t support video streams, or do you mean snapshot?

I can now see the snapshots after manually entering the URL in the settings. Excellent!

But how to enable motion detection? All tiles except the single “Motion Detection” icon / button seem to be read-only and have not been updated since I installed the camera. The camera is recording motion detection just fine and stores video clips to a NAS.

Providing the Motion Detection button is on (as in your picture), motion should be detected.
Can your open the Diagnostics log page and set the Log Level to Detailed information. Then trigger motion on the camera and after a few seconds, send the log.