[APP][Pro] Support for ONVIF compatible cameras (Release 2.0.41)

You’re right about that. We’re getting there.

Log is send

The log is showing the subscription is happening and getting a valid response, but there are no motion events being shown.
Did you trigger motion while logging?

yes i did, i also now also opened the onvif device manger on my pc. here you can see the motion is triggerd and ‘seen’ by the onvif device manger.

for debugging purposes i also just send in the log files from the same time window as i had the onvif device manger open.

I’m a little bit further but now I get this?

Where can I find that port number?

I have another n00b question… Where can I download my “log”?

My sincere apologies and thanks again.


Hi Joost,
Go to app settings / configuration

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I think I found it

The ECONNREFUSED error means the camera is not allowing the connection. That could either be a credentials issue or the wrong port.

Thank you Adrian for your quick reply and my sincere apologies for all the questions.
I know my credentials are correct, so it would be a “port” issue. Where can I find the right port?
I have 4 camera’s, does each cam has it’s own port?

Normally the port is reported in the ONVIF data, so not sure why it’s not being sent back by your cameras.

The port will be the same for each brand/camera model, but often different between different brands/camera model.
So if all your cameras are the same, they will have the same port.
I can’t remember if you said what cameras you have?

Here I am again.
I did some backsearch in my webbrowser where I can see my cam details and these are my cams:

2x Dahua IPC-T1A30
1x Dahua DH-SD22404T-GN
1x Dahua DH-SD1A203T-GN

Do you need the details of the NVR too?

The datasheets from the camera’s says either “ONVIF Profile S&G, API” or "ONVIF, PSIA, CGI.
So it should be possible right?


I managed to get all my cameras working, thanks for the great work you did.
I have one other question, I make a snapshot of the camera the moment the doorbell is used. But the snapshot is a really low resolution, is there a way to increase this resolution of the snapshots the camera takes?

The app captures the image in the resolution provided by the camera. The image in the Homey app is very small so the full image is reduced to fit, but only for display, the full size image is still on the server.
If you use the web app, then you can right click on the image and select show in new tab and it will open full size.

I sent the picture via Telegram to my mobile phone, which resolution is used then?

I’m not sure as I don’t know the inner workings of Telegram or the Send features. All I can say is the source is whatever the camera provides. I have 2 4K cameras and the image I get is 4k, which is what I see in a new browser tab.

Hi Adrian,

did you have any chance to get into this?

thanks in advance

Sorry, I still haven’t discovered the cause or a fix for the issue.
I do keep going back to it as I hate to be beaten by a problem, especially if I can’t understand it.

Okay Thanks, I will ask in Telegram group if the picture which is sent is reduced in size.

Hi there,

im stuck at the same point. dont know its the port forwarding? my nvr settings? or my homey settings.

but looks like we are fighting the same problems.

havent found solutions yet so hoping to get here…

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I think I have the same issue, where did you find this menu?

It’s on camera web interface so enter the IP nr in a browser.

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