[APP][Pro] Support for ONVIF compatible cameras (Release 2.0.41)

For the user that has a Log ID of -402026554, it seems one of the ONVIF methods is not supported:

The request was action=\"http://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl/GetVideoSources\"",
and the response was:

env:Reason<env:Text xml:lang=“en”>Optional Action Not Implemented</env:Text>

The user with Log ID -400663174, the error is also a bad user name and / or password as shown above.

The user with Log ID (-1193106576, the error there is a bit more confusing as it show:
getSystemDateAndTime error ( SOAP Fault An error was discovered processing the wsse:Security header.:

I have no idea why there should be an issue with the security header in that request as it doesn’t have one. Basically, the app has to call that function to get the date and time so it can be used to create the security header for further requests.

Thx. I will check it.

I updated the password. Can i send the log again?

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I have double checked login and password. No luck. Error: discovery error. Undefined.
Strange this cause on my TV via Tinycam Pro it is working great on ONVIF.

If yours is Log ID 1547553724, then the last log shows camera ready, so I presume everything went OK?

I still don’t receive any alarm. Snapshot apparently doens’t work neither.

The camera doesn’t appear to support snapshots as shown by the returned data:

"capabilities": [
					"$": {
							"SnapshotUri": "false",

As for motion, have you turned it on in the Homey device (big button with a man walking). A lot of users think this is the alarm status, but it is an option to turn motion detection on and off.

Hi Adrian, i’m 100% sure the login credentials are correct. To investigate this further i installed the application called ‘ONVIF device manger’ on my pc. With the same creditentials i can login to the NVR and see all settings, cams, events and what so on…

I don’t now very much about all of this, but when I scroll through the log file I think i can read out it is connecting with the NVR, because it read outs the time and date, firmware version and a lot of more information. but in the end it all stops with
Failed to connect to camera, Unrecognized configuration.

So I honestly don’t think there is an issue with the login credentials.

I wish I knew what to suggest, but I’ve not seen this before.
I will try to find out if there are different login methods.

ok, i’m happy to help. Just let me know if you want me to try something or a new test build or something else.

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Motion is working. For all 3 cameras. Like you said, it was a RTFM problem :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
For the screenshot. I can get a screenshot for any camera using ONVIF Device Manager. But I can’t find the right URL there neither.

The ONVIF device manager might be capturing an image from RTSP, but Homey isn’t able to do that.

Everything works great here!

Just wanted to highlight a thing with my Reolinks which sends person detected motion events.

It’s just that the camera capability for Person detection seems not to be presented after a while( a day or two) on the Device.
That also seemingly makes the related flowcard to be missing with ?Card Unavailabe notification.

But it still works anyway!?

Why would this capability be removed from device when it’s actually is there all along?

Strange, I will check it out.

Hi Adrian,

I just noticed Onvif app was automatically updated to version 2.0.43

So I thought what the hell lets give it another try adding the Hikvison NVR.

All of a sudden it works now, did you made anymore changes? Or could the update from Homey to 10.0.3 also have anything to do with it…

I’m not sure either way, but glad it’s working.
The main change was to create my own connection routine that called the same stages as the library version but using promisified calls to individual functions instead of nested callbacks. That gave me much better control over handling errors and skipping parts that were unnecessary. Maybe that was the solution but I didn’t expect it to change your situation.

Turned out I was a bit too fast jumping into conslusions.

The nvr is added and all 6ch are showing up including the screenshot.

But there are no motion reports unfortunately.

Ok, it’s progress :stuck_out_tongue:
Could you set the log to Detailed Information, switch the motion detection option on so I can see if it is enabling correctly and then try to trigger motion finally send the log. then send the log.