[APP][Pro] Support for ONVIF compatible cameras (Release 2.0.41)

Can you tell me which camera you have (sorry if you have already said)?

I have 5 reolink cameras

Trackmix, Doorbell, RlC520a and RLC822A

And a duo 2 wifi. Some is through an NVR, but i get same error with all cameras.

Could you look at this article and follow the settings link How to Capture Live JPEG Image of Reolink Cameras via Web Browsers – Reolink Support

Check to make sure the http is enabled.
You could also try changing the url configuration for the camera in the Homey app so it points to https instead of http as that should force the app to start with https and ignore certificate errors.

I have published a new test version which tried to ignore certificate errors on http connections. It sounds silly, but I can see your camera appears to be redirecting the http connection to https, so I’m hoping the option will be passed along when the fetch switches between http and https.

If it still fails the try changing the snapshot URL to:

Notice the port number also needs to be changed from 80 to 443.

Like this ?

I noticed the port number is missing. Have you copied the existing URL and pasted it into the user URL box, then add the s to http and change the 80 to 443, but make sure everything else is the same?

Yes. I think it is working now :blush:

But when i make a flow it doesnt activate

Like when motion is detected then turn on light

It only activates when i press this button.

That button enables motion detection, so if it’s black like the image then motion is not reported. Make sure that button is white if you want to detect motion.

Thank you.

It says the app doesnt work now ?

Can you send the log from the Configure App screen.

I have published a new test version.

Looks like its working now.

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Is it true that when enabling motion detection it will react to everything.

So my reolink has AI smart detection, which means i dont get false alarms.

But trying to make a flow with on if app, it seemed like the flow would activate by falde alarms. Which made my flow activate 5 times in 10 minutters.

So the Onvif App react to all alarms and not the ones that my camera react to.

Can this be solved ?

Example i want a light to come on when i reach the driveway. But the light turn on even when there is bugs close to the camera.

Have you tried the person is detected trigger card?
Maybe also try changing the motion option in the advanced settings to see if that helps.

The cameras went offline again ?

Can you send a Diagnostics report.
Then can you check if the app has been paused and try restarting it.

App restartet. I will try tomorrow to see if this works.

5e439ad3-f474-4fdc-aacc-658ccc8c7f48 diagnostic


great app, but I do get way to many notifications, because of the wrong motion type (DAHUA IPC Z12E cam).

I have:


Can’t you offer a freetext field where you can choose the motion alarm you desire instead of just offering four? I’d e.g. need FACE.

The next update will have separate alarms for Person, Visitor, Face, Dog/Cat and Vehicle, along with events for each.

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