[APP][Pro] Support for ONVIF compatible cameras (Release 2.0.41)

Ahh nice! That does the trick. Didnt know that was a button on the second screen. This screen does help and when i enabled the motion and press the doorbell button an extra alarm shows up! Cool! Thnx for your help!

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I installed this app today on my Homey Pro and when adding a Reolink camera connected to my Reolink NVR I can succesfully add the camera, but when trying to see an image I get this message:


and no image is shown. This happens both to the stable and the test version of the app. I cannot find anything in this thread about this, so I would like to know whether this is something that I can fix or is it something that the developer should look into?

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I havenā€™t seen that error before but it seems the system has https redirect enabled and is using a self signed certificate that is being rejected by Homey.
Could you check the settings to see if that can be changed?

Not sure which system to check settings for and where? Is it something I should check in Homey settings?

The settings would be in the NVR. Anything that says https would be a suspect.

I would need to check that when Iā€™m at home. Donā€™t think however there is something like that, since it is all ā€œdefaultā€. The only change I made was to enable ONVIF port.

I will check however and report back.

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It looks to be something specific to Reolink.
Tried plugging the camera directly to the switch and add the camera. Same thing happened. By default those only have https enabled for web access. If I then also enable http access the error message is gone.

I get the same error. Been trying for weeks now.

I have the cameras run on SD card and no NVR
When i add them via Onvif App it says this.

How to get image on Homey ?

Can you try the test version to see if it is fixed?

How to do that ?

Which test version ?

Go to the app in the store and then add test to the end of the URL

I did that, then tried to add the units again in Homey and same things happen.

Nothing new.

Could you send the log again from the new version as it should support https and ignore certificate errors due to self signing.

Do you have email address ?

You can send the log from the app. Go to the Configure App screen and tap on the Send log button.


The strange thing is, the URI specified by the camera uses http and not https, so Iā€™m not sure why a certificate would be involved.
I will do some digging tomorrow to see if I can find an answer.

Thank you bro

Update on this?

Nothing yet as been out all day.