Opening a ticket did the trick. Obiviously some configuration in the inverter needed to be updated.
Hi Edwin, thank you very much for this app, works great for my setup with Huawei+Battery. A question, in the test-version of the app it says that we can change “Storage forcible charge/discharge”. I doesn’t seem to work atm in the test version for me, but does that mean that we (in a future release) will be able to force charge/discharge and not only use the app as “read only” regarding the Huawei batteries?
hey, did you disable the auth on modbus or be on lan I think? also when you use s-dongle it can be that s-dongle is the issue here. it is cheap but cannot handle multiple connections, even normal reading is already a challenge.
If you got a vpn connection , we can try it out, see what works and look at s-dongle for any issues.
Hey, thanks for the quick reply! Not sure how to disable authentication on modbus, but it is in state “Enable (unrestricted”) and I’m (my phone, the Homey etc.) on the same network as the dongle. Don’t use any VPN I’m afraid
yes that is the setting, now I need to have a system to try it out to see if we have to change something or if it is the s-dongle.
Hello Edwin,
I’ve noticed that the card “Battery is higher than” in an advanced flow is true in the following scenario:
Actual charge in the Solaredge dashboard
Result of the card
Using a logic card and the “Battery” variable the result is false:
Could it be that in the background your app is calculating with fractions while the variable is rounded to a integer?
this trigger is from homey so no clue but I heard this before, this is mine
"id": "changedBattery",
"title": {
"en": "Battery Charge Changed",
"nl": "Batterij lading gewijzigd",
"de": "Batteriestand hat sich geändert"
"tokens": [
"name": "charge",
"type": "number",
"title": {
"en": "Battery Charge (%)",
"nl": "Batterij lading (%)",
"de": "Batteriestand (%)"
"example": 66
Hello Edwin,
I have a bit of a feature request for flow cards with Sigenergy.
Do you think it be possible to add a trigger card for when ”PV input changes”? Would help me with some flows I want to build.
Kind regards,
yes will do
Hi Edwin
First, thanks for your excellent work!
Is there any possibility that you develop flow cards that are “And” for Huawei Emma solar system?
Would love to see the same “And” cards that exist for Solaredge/Solax:-)
Thanks in advance.
BR Mikeymike
you can use logical one and select the capability
new test version with measure_power, and meter_power change triggers SolarEdge + Growatt TCP modbus | Homey
thank you very much for this great app it works like a charm.
But do you have a chance to implement support for Sungrow Hybrid (with battery) in the energy tab inside the homey app?
I cannot see the battery there… or is it an issue from Athom?
(battery missing in the energy tab of homey app)
(battery present)
waiting for the correct impl. basically your device is 3 in 1 ( meter,batt and inverter) but homey only allows me to choose 1 of the 3.
so homey need to change something for this.
Is possible to create an login for Huawei Converters via the FusionSolar API?
Ich kann keine Modus abfrage machen . ( Enpal Anlage )
I’m using the Huawei 2 inverters s dongle device and when I try to create a flow “when” trigger I can only find the battery level changed card, all other cards are only greater than on less than cards. Is there no card for when the total power output changes for me to use to trigger my flows? I’m on the v3.0.169 of the app. Looking at the app page there should be four different changed cards only (power, power meter, voltage and battery level). So seems to be some difference to what I see in my Homey flows.
New to flows.
but I wanted to try to copy this config, (Solaredge PV, Growatt 20KW Battery, P1) but wondering what the variable HBNUM of low prices is. did you make this somewhere? did not find it in de vars of NL Power by the hour.
You are referring to one of the vars I use in the heartbeat section.
HB_NumOfLowPriceHours is in fact the Number of low price hours, a timeslot defined for a.o.:
- Allow the boiler to heat-up
- If the battery is low, charge from grid during wintertime (or bad weather conditions).
- If the price is very low or below 0.0, stop discharging the battery and use grid only.
Hi there.
New to Homey
I’m trying to add an inverter and huawei battery.
Can you tell me if these are the IP and Port values that I should put?
Device ID can be 1?
Thank you very much
did you use the test version?