[APP][Pro] Solar Panels - Let the sun power your home

Hello everyone,

Lately, I’ve install my Huawei inverter. It’s work great! But, to use it with Homey, I was thinking that thi app could support my device. But I can’t see Huawei in the supported inverter anymore. And I’ve found an other app just for Huawei but it’s doesn’t working at all…:confounded:

Did someone is in the same situation as me? Or is someone can tell me why does Huawei inverter isn’t supported anymore in the app?

Thank you!:nerd_face:

Ria, I try to use this ‘> zonnepanelen’ app. After 10 secondes I doesnt react.

I see als only 3 values.

Did you use this app ? Or another :wink:

I use this one:

1 Like

Ok thanks. Kan de test niet meer installeren link werkt niet meer */test

Was support for Huawei removed?
Noticed my inverter wasn’t connected anymore, when I tried removing/adding it again Huawei is no longer in the list?

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Same here! Would be brilliant with added support for Solis Cloud. The connection was up and running prior to the Beta release and release of Homey Early 2023.


Ik probeer de link en bij mij werkt het wel.

Same here, would love to see this inverter brand being supported, since I had to switch from SMA to Solis

Good morning,

is it possible to have the state :

  • Microinverters
  • Q Relays

at Emphase

The app was working fine with my Growatt inverter. Suddenly today I received this message in the app:

Also the Growatt Shine phone app did not work properly, so I guessed it was a growatt cloud -problem.
Later today the Growatt Shine phone recovered to work as normal. I can also login on:

But the Homey app still cannot login. Tried restarting the app without any luck. Anyone else has this problem? Solutions that does not involve remove the device and re-adding it? (I really don’t want to lose the build up history :sweat_smile:

I have the same problem. My homewizard app also has no communication with growatt.

Since yesterday the Growatt device is unavailable in Homey. ShinePhone on iPad does not work, even after updating. ShinePhone on iPhone still works. With Safari I can login into the server.

No solution, just the addition that:

  1. removing the decive
  2. removing the app
  3. rebooting homey
  4. installing the app
  5. adding the device

Results in:

On Login Page I can login normally.

Are you able to login with ShinePhone? As long as I cannot, I presume it is a Growatt problem.

Yes, ShinePhone works fine.

When logging in to Shinephone from my iPad, I fill in the username and password and get the error message “Username or password cannot be empty”.
On my IPhone I am still logged in, but not connected and network time-out.

Yesterday a friend of my was having still trouble with Growatt. No connection with HA and when he did get a connection he has a maximum peak power of 112.359.236,1W
That is a bit high.

Growatt login is still not possible. ShinePhone works normally.

Same here, authentication on Growatt server seems to be the problem.

i’m using homey pro 2023. Everything working well. Yesterday I installed the Shelly app. Yesterday evening I tried to install the Shelly PM mini. It did not work because it was not on the same vlan as Homey. All this at yesterday evening at 20:00 (I don’t gidding, it just happened).
But since that time Influx db don’t work, Youless stopped as well as Envoy. At last I removed the Shelly app and waited overnight. No result.
This morning I reset the Shelly PM mini and connected it to the Homey Vlan. Installed the Shelley app again and was able to add the device.
But the mentioned apps (and/or devices) still don’t work. Restarting the apps, rebooting Homey and als o disconnecting it from power (waiting 10 sec at least) did not do the trick.
I’m not sure if I should post it here but it started with using Shelly for the first time.

In the Zonnepanelen app I’ve Solaredge as the Envoy. SolarEdge is still working. So I don’t know what is going on.

For what is worth, I’ve created a diagnostic report just now: 1656044e-6030-432d-bfc9-5c92e3f73dda