[APP][Pro] Solar Forecasts (SolCast + Forecast.Solar)

Yes! Working🙏 thx!

ma 19. kesäk. 2023 klo 15.09 Pieter via Homey Community Forum <notifications@athom.discoursemail.com> kirjoitti:

What am i doing wrong? :slight_smile:

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I answered to you also in facebook in finnish.

The flow starts only at 00.00 when the solcast forecast is updated and the forecast is under 50kWh and the price is at that time lowest of the next 6 hours. So most of the times the flow wont start.

Change the flow so that it will trigger when electricity price changes

and same conditions as in the example and add condition the solcast today forecast is under 50kWh.

This way it should work.

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the upload service is not available anymore, so I created a second PV entry for the north side. Both are registered in Homey with 10 API calls/day. But forecast today gets never updated. All other capabilities are updated (last time 5h before).

1st device: newer got “forecast today”, other values got updated 5h before.

2nd device: “forecast today” was last updated 16 days before.

Has something changed in the API or do you have a hint what’s wrong?
Many thanks :slight_smile:

For me it is working now
Do you have 2 different accounts or 1 account with 2 installation.

Try to restart the app.
Forecast today is only updated at midnight.

Restart the app now and send me the logs tommorrow, so I can check

You have an old or new homey.

I received a lot of crash reports from the new homey’s, I have no idea why

Thanks for your feedback.
It’s a HP19. I’ll restart the app and check tomorrow and send you a diagnostic log if it’s still not updated.

After the app restart all is fine now.
The forecast today got updated for both devices.
That are two installations (north/south) in one account. I added the second installation later to the account and Homey.

Hi I’ve installed the app ; put the json API in there ; restarted, waited one day, pulled the forecast, waited another day but still no data

Can someone help me out ?

Json api? It is just a text api key.

If it is not working, send me a diagnostics report.
I received some crash reports yesterday, so I assume it is yours

Thx for the guidance through private message.
Resolution was indeed that my api was incorrect.
I took the API URL that was shown through the toolkit page.

I actually needed to take the API key which was located in a menubar top right on their site.

Hello Pieter

Can you please investigate why my ‘forecast today’ value does not get updated? My setup: I have two home PV systems (a roof facing west and another one facing east). From both I’d like to receive solcasts forecast, which succeeds, but the for the daily forecast value. I manually retrieved the latest data just after midnight, 0:01 UTC and 0:02 UTC, so just after resetting my API-calls. My API key is correct (just fetched it from the upper right side of the Solcast website and also copied the Recourced ID into the Homey Solcast app. I’ve also restarted the Solcast app, no luck. The other day I removed the two solcast devices in my Homey Pro 2023, generated a new API key and all started working back again. However, when I switch from automatically fetching the latest values to manually through a Date&Time when card ‘The time is 1:01’ (which is 0:01 UTC) —> Fetch Solcast update it stops updating the forecast today. What do I wrong? See the following diagnostic code:


Thanks, Norbert


I checked your logs. The error is 429, too many requests.

I have no idea when the api calls reset, maybe try to get the data at 0030 local time, not utc.

If you use solcast with other apps ( home assistant), it also counts

Hi Pieter, thanks for checking the logs. Weird, error 429, too many requests. I did retrieve the forecast today after 00 UTC, so after the moment the daily API-calls limit of 10 per day got reset . At the solecast website, when you log into it, the bar at the top shows the how many calls are made from 00UTC till the next 24h thereafter (see screenshot).

Good tip, I assumed the value of the daily forecast got refreshed just after 00UTC. Thinking about, that would not make much sense if you live for example in India or US. So I guess you’re right, I should try just after midnight local (Dutch) time. I will try coming hours.

Yes, I am aware, I did make sure no other applications (like home assistant) fetches the forecast. In my situation solely the Solcast app for Homey retrieves the forecast. Will let you know if your suggestions works for me. Cheers, Norbert

Hi Pieter, all,

To share my findings, the past two days I succeeded in fetching the latest value of ‘forecast today’. The first time it got automatically retrieved just after midnight Dutch time, the second time at 0:27h. In the Solcast homey app, I did not tick ‘automatic polling’, nor I actively retrieved the latest forecast today value through a flow, still the Solcast homey app fetched the latest forecast values automatically. At 00UTC, so presently 1 o’ clock Dutch time, the daily API calls amout got reset. So in order to be able to retieve the latest forecast today value’s, you need to save 2 calls to use between 00 and 01 local time :wink:

Indeed the app will any automatically poll at midnight, this you cannot switch off.

Thanks Pieter!

there seems to be a bug in the solcast app.
I created a device with 10 api calls.

The app uses more then 10 calls. when going to the maintenance the is a value 50 for the number of api calls.
changing that numer back to 10 doesn’t halp, the app counts further than 10 calls.

best regards,

Try to put on 10 and then restart the app, maybe that works

Sorry for the basic question

I’ve got my account set up, but where do I enter the API in the Solcast app?

Does the app respect the max 10 calls a day or can I set it myself?


edit, found it (Took me a while to figure out devices have to be created)