[App][Pro] SmartThings Community (was the HCS version 2) Live 2.0.19, Test 2.0.25

OK, strange it is different to my washer.
I will add a new trigger for the other status.

I have tried to publish the app in the Homey store, but at the moment it says I’m not the owner, which is strange. I have asked for clarification on that as I thought it was just the app id that determines that, so not sure if someone has tried to publish my app before.

I installed your app from Github using the CLI method (thanks to @Bud_M for the instructions). My Homey shows version 2.0.17.

By the way, the power measurement doesn’t really work with the app on my washer and dryer. You can see this on my screenshots above. But it’s not so important as I measure power with Shellys.

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For the oven, your app currently only has temperature triggers and temperature tag.

The official app has only one trigger but it is called “A cooking job has finished” and is very useful. The status detection runs via the timer in the oven, which also switches the oven off when it expires. The Dual Cook Flex Oven has two separate timers and probably provides two separate statuses. The official App also has a tag called “Status”, which can be checked with the logic card.

I have updated GitHub with a new version that has the Job Status Changed trigger. Let me know if it works OK or not.

Thank you very much, @Adrian_Rockall! This is exactly what I wanted.

I have tested it with the washer, dishwasher and dryer. The status changes are triggered and the value is in the “Job Status” tag.

The app now shows a new name and is called “SmartThings Community” (v2.0.18 from GitHub).

The app from Athom is now only needed for the oven to capture the status.

Glad it worked.
I will look into the oven parts when I get some time, but please remind me in a few weeks if you haven’t heard back from me. I have a lot going on ATM and adding the oven is a bigger task.

The new name is one of the changes towards enabling it to be added to the official App store. It has no affect to the functionality.

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The app is now in the Athom store so it is easier to install.


Hi Adrian

I was able to install my HW-Q990C soundbar without any problems and control it via the App


The only problem I have noticed is that it only works one way, because if I do something directly on the soundbar, e.g. switch on/off or change the volume, etc. , this is not displayed in the app.

BDW: The polling interval is still set to 5 seconds

THX Chris

Could you open the Log page in the app settings and enable the Log. Then control the sound bar externally and after 5 seconds, tap on Send Log.

Done, then I get the message “No Data send”


Hi Adrian, hope you’re doing allright.

I just sent you the log and device info.
Homey Pro 2019
Smartthings2 v2.0.17

A little “issue” I encountered, the power sensor doesn’t get any value higher than 0, it gets updated though.
The Energy sensor works fine.

I will install the app store app now (nice!!), before I start another wash round

Mine is the same. I’m not sure if it’s ever worked to be honest, but it was there so I added it but never got around to finding out why.
I will do some more investigating, but I have a feeling it’s just not presented.

Thx 4 quick reply!

Ah, I see. At this moment, my insights don’t show power use as well, at least it’s a veeeery tiny bit (is it showing kW instead of W? A matter of [value]x1000 ?)

Because it only shows activity during the washing cycles

Most probably during the first run I did not notice the values on y-axle very well :smile:

It’s no biggie, it’s already nice it reports it’s energy usage.

Hi Adrian

Found the problem myself !!

After deleting the soundbar and hub from the SmartThings app and adding them again, everything works fine…:flushed:

Now I have noticed the following. Not all attributes are displayed, e.g. the sound mode (Adaptive Sound, Surround, Game, Standard). Is there no API for these or do you need a list from me of what is missing?

BDW: I have sent you the device log…

Gruss Chris


I want to connect my Samsung Screens Odyssey G6 to Homey with the Community SmartThings App.

In my.smartthings.com, I see my screens and their current source (notice: one is HDMI 1, two are DisplayPort)


But when I add a “Then” card in a Flow to change the source, the combo does not contain the option “DisplayPort”.


Is this a limitation of the current Community SmartThings App ? Or an issue with my setup ?

Thx in adv !

It because the list is predefined based on another users report. As it’s a Flow card I should be able to build that on the fly based on the data passed in when the device is parsed. Could you send me the Detected log from the app settings page (not the Homey diagnostic report).


By “Detected Log”, do you mean this report ? (Sorry for this question from a newbie)

Then here is the code to access that log: 55125dfa-dd32-4f5e-b254-f0e7047f6fbf

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Sorry, not that one. The logs are in the app settings or Configuration pages. So click on the Configure button and the the Detected tab

Then click on Get Devices and once the list is filled, click on Send Log.

Thx for the guidance!

Get Devices

  "items": [
      "deviceId": "2001818e-66e6-b82a-efc1-6d63731a1e5f",
      "name": "Right Screen Odyssey G6",
      "label": "Right Screen Odyssey G6",
      "manufacturerName": "Samsung Electronics",
      "presentationId": "VD-SMONITOR-2022",
      "deviceManufacturerCode": "Samsung Electronics",
      "locationId": "a6f8e7f7-e4e3-43c6-8819-e17f015d3b3c",
      "ownerId": "23cdb12d-7bbb-4e95-e5d9-07121d1f7ef2",
      "roomId": "79883cd1-7081-41a3-87ed-35d4aeaf3238",
      "deviceTypeName": "x.com.st.d.monitor",
      "components": [
          "id": "main",
          "label": "main",
          "capabilities": [
              "id": "ocf",
              "version": 1
              "id": "switch",
              "version": 1
              "id": "audioVolume",
              "version": 1
              "id": "audioMute",
              "version": 1
              "id": "tvChannel",
              "version": 1
              "id": "mediaInputSource",
              "version": 1
              "id": "mediaPlayback",
              "version": 1
              "id": "mediaTrackControl",
              "version": 1
              "id": "custom.error",
              "version": 1
              "id": "custom.picturemode",
              "version": 1
              "id": "custom.soundmode",
              "version": 1
              "id": "custom.accessibility",
              "version": 1
              "id": "custom.launchapp",
              "version": 1
              "id": "custom.recording",
              "version": 1
              "id": "custom.tvsearch",
              "version": 1
              "id": "custom.disabledCapabilities",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.remoteControl",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.ambient",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.ambientContent",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.mediaInputSource",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.supportsFeatures",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.supportsPowerOnByOcf",
              "version": 1
              "id": "sec.deviceConnectionState",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.firmwareVersion",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.deviceCategory",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.thingStatus",
              "version": 1
              "id": "refresh",
              "version": 1
              "id": "execute",
              "version": 1
          "categories": [
              "name": "SmartMonitor",
              "categoryType": "manufacturer"
      "createTime": "2024-06-09T16:11:37.944Z",
      "profile": {
        "id": "a29665e8-f009-3685-aac5-480d0b4d4ec2"
      "ocf": {
        "ocfDeviceType": "x.com.st.d.monitor",
        "name": "Right Screen Odyssey G6",
        "specVersion": "core.1.1.0",
        "verticalDomainSpecVersion": "res.1.1.0,sh.1.1.0",
        "manufacturerName": "Samsung Electronics",
        "modelNumber": "LS27BG650EUXEN",
        "platformVersion": "6.5",
        "platformOS": "Tizen",
        "hwVersion": "",
        "firmwareVersion": "T-PTMLWWC-1622.6",
        "vendorId": "VD-SMONITOR-2022",
        "vendorResourceClientServerVersion": "3.2.34",
        "locale": "en_GB",
        "lastSignupTime": "2024-06-09T16:11:34.691557Z"
      "type": "OCF",
      "restrictionTier": 0,
      "allowed": [],
      "executionContext": "CLOUD"
      "deviceId": "79968d59-856f-be4b-bf96-3bc4b20e17c0",
      "name": "Center Screen Odyssey G6",
      "label": "Center Screen Odyssey G6",
      "manufacturerName": "Samsung Electronics",
      "presentationId": "VD-SMONITOR-2022",
      "deviceManufacturerCode": "Samsung Electronics",
      "locationId": "a6f8e7f7-e4e3-43c6-8819-e17f015d3b3c",
      "ownerId": "23cdb12d-7bbb-4e95-e5d9-07121d1f7ef2",
      "roomId": "79883cd1-7081-41a3-87ed-35d4aeaf3238",
      "deviceTypeName": "x.com.st.d.monitor",
      "components": [
          "id": "main",
          "label": "main",
          "capabilities": [
              "id": "ocf",
              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
              "id": "audioMute",
              "version": 1
              "id": "tvChannel",
              "version": 1
              "id": "mediaInputSource",
              "version": 1
              "id": "mediaPlayback",
              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
              "id": "custom.error",
              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.remoteControl",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.ambient",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.ambientContent",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.mediaInputSource",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.supportsFeatures",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.supportsPowerOnByOcf",
              "version": 1
              "id": "sec.deviceConnectionState",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.firmwareVersion",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.deviceCategory",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.thingStatus",
              "version": 1
              "id": "refresh",
              "version": 1
              "id": "execute",
              "version": 1
          "categories": [
              "name": "SmartMonitor",
              "categoryType": "manufacturer"
      "createTime": "2024-06-09T15:44:08.579Z",
      "profile": {
        "id": "a29665e8-f009-3685-aac5-480d0b4d4ec2"
      "ocf": {
        "ocfDeviceType": "x.com.st.d.monitor",
        "name": "Center Screen Odyssey G6",
        "specVersion": "core.1.1.0",
        "verticalDomainSpecVersion": "res.1.1.0,sh.1.1.0",
        "manufacturerName": "Samsung Electronics",
        "modelNumber": "LS27BG650EUXEN",
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        "platformOS": "Tizen",
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        "firmwareVersion": "T-PTMLWWC-1622.6",
        "vendorId": "VD-SMONITOR-2022",
        "vendorResourceClientServerVersion": "3.2.34",
        "locale": "en_GB",
        "lastSignupTime": "2024-06-09T15:44:04.884071Z"
      "type": "OCF",
      "restrictionTier": 0,
      "allowed": [],
      "executionContext": "CLOUD"
      "deviceId": "dcf53ace-4453-ff1a-606a-0f3b96c39559",
      "name": "Left Screen Odyssey G6",
      "label": "Left Screen Odyssey G6",
      "manufacturerName": "Samsung Electronics",
      "presentationId": "VD-SMONITOR-2022",
      "deviceManufacturerCode": "Samsung Electronics",
      "locationId": "a6f8e7f7-e4e3-43c6-8819-e17f015d3b3c",
      "ownerId": "23cdb12d-7bbb-4e95-e5d9-07121d1f7ef2",
      "roomId": "79883cd1-7081-41a3-87ed-35d4aeaf3238",
      "deviceTypeName": "x.com.st.d.monitor",
      "components": [
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          "label": "main",
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
              "id": "custom.tvsearch",
              "version": 1
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              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.remoteControl",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.ambient",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.ambientContent",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.mediaInputSource",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.supportsFeatures",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.supportsPowerOnByOcf",
              "version": 1
              "id": "sec.deviceConnectionState",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.firmwareVersion",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.deviceCategory",
              "version": 1
              "id": "samsungvd.thingStatus",
              "version": 1
              "id": "refresh",
              "version": 1
              "id": "execute",
              "version": 1
          "categories": [
              "name": "SmartMonitor",
              "categoryType": "manufacturer"
      "createTime": "2024-06-09T15:41:18.178Z",
      "profile": {
        "id": "a29665e8-f009-3685-aac5-480d0b4d4ec2"
      "ocf": {
        "ocfDeviceType": "x.com.st.d.monitor",
        "name": "Left Screen Odyssey G6",
        "specVersion": "core.1.1.0",
        "verticalDomainSpecVersion": "res.1.1.0,sh.1.1.0",
        "manufacturerName": "Samsung Electronics",
        "modelNumber": "LS27BG650EUXEN",
        "platformVersion": "6.5",
        "platformOS": "Tizen",
        "hwVersion": "",
        "firmwareVersion": "T-PTMLWWC-1622.6",
        "vendorId": "VD-SMONITOR-2022",
        "vendorResourceClientServerVersion": "3.2.34",
        "locale": "en_GB",
        "lastSignupTime": "2024-06-09T15:41:13.265934Z"
      "type": "OCF",
      "restrictionTier": 0,
      "allowed": [],
      "executionContext": "CLOUD"
  "_links": {}

I did click on Send Log and got a confirmation that the log was sent.

Hello, does the SmartThings Community app communicate with Homey Pro, Locally or through the Cloud?