[APP][PRO] Smart Presence

Just a dumb question

How do I update the app?
I am stil on v. 6.3. and automatic update in settings of the app is activated
Cannot find a way to manually update

Click on the link above and then click on install.

Thank You
I wasn’t aware of available Beta-versions

Thank You Adrian.
I already updated to this Beta-version

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Yet another update for the Smart Presence app, v. 0.7.4, in test-status:

  • Better performance
  • Fixed issue with ‘The first person arrived’, ‘The first household member arrived’ and ‘The first guest arrived’ - triggers

Please test :slight_smile:


Works fine for me!

Tested to see if household members where correctly “seen”. No issues!


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Hi. My Smart Presence not working. I’ll try to disable WiFi to simulate a “user left” mode and enable WiFi to simulate “arrived” mode. I created a two flows for “user lest” and “user arrived. I am an iOS 14 user.

And you waited for the 900 seconds?

Yes. But I’ve set Away delay to 10 seconds too.

S pozdravom / Best Regards
Matej Kapusta - fotograf na voľnom kolese / freewheeled photographer.
web: https://matej-kapusta.site

Does the “tile” for the Smart Presence device become grey if you change to an IP address that is not in use in your network ? You have to wait until the “away delay” has passed.

And it should not be grey if you use the IP address of your router in the network, ending with 1, e.g.

Hi. My IP address has 192.168.1.xxx I’m not sure which “tile” you mean :frowning:

You are a “user” in Smart Presence and you have created a device for your “user”. It appears as a tile/device in your list of devices in mobile app.

Great app, thnx! Question however and stating the obvious.

I have two WifI networks at home and I think a lot of people have that these days. Modern routers will allow you to have a guest network. Two seperated Wifi networks with clients in the same IP range.
I use guest network for my (ofcourse) guests but also for some devices to make my “internal” network more safe.
My Homey is connected to the internal network and my phone is sometimes connected to the guest network. This way there’s no Smart Presence detection, so I have to force my phone (and that of my guests) to the internal network. I could connect Homey to the guest network, but either way the Homey and phone need to be on the same network.

Is there a way to make this work cross network? I’m not a technological geek, I can imagine to open a port between the two networks somehow on which the Smart Presence app is scanning?

Yes, you should open so that the Homey on the internal network can access the guest-network.

But of course, still block requests from the guest network to the internal network.

Well, I would say; no. Because that would undermine the whole concept of having a guest network. Having two networks with for example a 2g and 5g network shouldn’t make a real difference because that’s in reality just one network but with two SSID’s.

A guest network is aimed to separate the local lan and the guest network, mainly for security purposes. There should be no routing between them and all traffic is blocked both form the guest network into the lan and the other way around.

Opening ports from lan to guest creates a hole into the network and security, and if you are okay with that, you should just join your guest to your local lan which makes life much easier. Besides creating holes, there should be routing in place too which complicates the whole environment a bit more, and in my opinion a lot (to much) of a hassle for a home environment.

My 2 cents :wink:

Thanks Martijn for pointing that out. I wouldn’t want a security hole, that’s the whole idea.
So I guess I’m going to stick with two seperated networks and force my phone to forget the guest network (so it won’t accidentally connect to the guest network).

If someone has problems with Smart Presence after updating to iOS 14, it may be because the iPhone has the “Private WLAN Address” enabled.
With the “Private WLAN Address” the MAC Address will be renewed after a certain period of time, which is for security reasons.
In my WLAN the iPhone was recognized as a “new device” and it was assigned a new IP address. So the IP address stored in Smart Presence did not match anymore and Smart Presence did not work with my iPhone.

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Good to know!

and here in German :wink:


Now I have an Apple Watch with mobile data I often leave home without my phone and I still want the fact I have left home recognised. Am I correct in thinking that with Smart Presence I can set “Away” when my watch leaves my network and my phone stays connected?

If your Apple Watch always have WiFi on and you create a Smart Presence device with its IP-number I think the functionality would be the same as for the iPhone.