[APP][Pro] Smappee - Make the smart grid revolution happen

I have been able to add the Smappee Gas- and Watersensor. Thank you!
However, when adding a virtual “Power by the Hour”-device the gas and water sensor is recognized as a gas sensor, but it is not recognized as a water sensor. Maybe, there is a capability missing?

Is this something that can be added?

Gas is working just fine:

I don’t know the app, but I guess it depends on what unit of measure Smappee gives back from your device. I have seen 2 UOM.

When it is m3, it will add the meter_water capability (cubic meter).
When it is l (lower L), it will add the measure_water capability (L/min).

Capability documentation.

Not sure which one is used by the summariser app.

This is available in the Smappee API, but not directly in Homey. Well, it could, if I made a custom capability, but then I would have to translate a lot.

Not implementing this for now, maybe in a future release…

Hey There,
Just added Smappee app to my Homey today to use the Smappee Solar. I sit possible the Solar device only returns consumption? No solar production is mentioned.


Hi Frederik,

I didn’t have any Smappee Solar to test with, unfortunately.

If you would be so kind to share your login credentials with me via PM, I can investigate the possibilities or issue.

– Edwin

Ok, stupid question. How do I PM?

Make good use of your new SuperPower!

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Might be me but no Message button here or in any of the other windows.

If so, you’re on your own :rofl:

I’m on my own… no message button on phone either.

Only users with a level 1 or higher can send messages, new users are only level 0. (Spam/scam protection).
The higher level user can start the messages, then the level 0 can answer.

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Hi Edwin, I think the switches are not yet fully supported. I can add them as devices, but can’t control them and can’t use them in flows as the power shows the same value all the time. I have sent you my credentials, can you check this?

Hi @evdpol. I just received my Homey Pro and am new to the community. What is the best way to report bugs and or support questions? Are those separately tracked in github / gitlab or is it all here (which seems very counter productive). :stuck_out_tongue:
I added both the connect and the EV wall and noticed a few issues with the EV Wall. There was no Car connected to the wall and the power of the EV wall was identical to the connect’s consumption, the always on power is identical also and on top of that the cable connected state was Yes. So it looks like some readings are incorrect.
Another bug report would be that the redirect after authentication on Smappee’s end does not open the App on Android, but that’s possible an issue on Smappee’s end.
Would love to hear about the EV Wall issue if it is an incorrect mapping. If have not yet checked the API documentation of Smappee (is this the correct space: https://smappee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DEVAPI/overview ?) and verified the output with postman yet, will try to check that within the next few day.
Thank you in advance

Hi @evdpol I can’t find the repository. I could take a look otherwise locally to see if I can make improvements and create a merge request

Hi Thierry,

It’s in your inbox :wink:

Ik heb nog een oude smappee energy monitor solar.

Deze werkt goed voor het stroomverbruik in de homey app, de always on laat hij ook zien, maar ik krijg geen waarde binnen voor mijn solar opbrengt.

Is dit ondersteund, en zo ja, doe ik iets verkeerd?

Ik gebruik ook een Smappee Solar, en denk niet dat jij iets verkeerd doet. Sluimerverbruik en stroomverbruik zie ik in Homey, maar geen solar waarden.

Zien jullie gas- en waterverbruik?

Waterverbruik kan ik zien, maar deze module heb ik apart moeten toevoegen. En op mijn solar module zie ik stroomverbruik en always on verbruik, maar zonne opbrengsten kan hij blijkbaar niet uitlezen.

Gas heb ik niet, dus daar kan ik niet op antwoorden :slight_smile:

Thank you. I still need to find time to dig into it, probably going to be January.