[APP][Pro] Samsung SmartTV

I did test my three screens, one is .160, one .161 and the last one .162… I probably copied the wrong output here to illustrate my issue…

Ah ok, that makes sense :slight_smile:
You tried Send key?

I didn’t yet. Thx for thx tip!

With that card, I can for example “Toggle the power” on and off, or open the “Guide”.
But sending the key “HDMI 1” or “HDMI 2” has no effect (idem with other options like Application List, …). And I don’t see a key for “Display Port” :confused:

Maybe indeed better to try the other app :smiley:. If that one works for you, it might be a good idea to post that in this forum-topic too.

I am indeed also trying in // with the Community SmartThings App.
But there, I am missing the source “Display Port” (it works for HDMI 1 and HDMI 2).

The developer is kindly looking if he can retrieve the list of sources via the API instead of using an hardcoded list : [App][Pro] SmartThings Community (was the HCS version 2) - #261 by vletroye

Yes indeed, it seems that it is not the device itself waking up.

Unfortunately I have the same experience. Sending HDMI1 does nothing :frowning:

And by using the Smartthings app I can see why setting to HDMI1 is not working. It is not one of the capabilities of the TV:

Seems like the “Select a Source” is broken in both Send key and also Select Input Source.

True, that is the case

@balmli Who do we report the issue with unable to select input to?

Send to developer of app… Hopefully he answers…

Please let us know if he responds. I don’t think this app is being maintained


Statistics not very good.

I am experiencing the same issue. The app seems to get stuck in “Power off in progress” and then becomes unresponsive. I’ve verified that all IP settings are correct. Restarting the app does not resolve the problem; it requires a reboot of Homey Pro. I would appreciate any suggestions or solutions from others who have encountered this issue.

Homey firmware: 11.0.0
App version: v2.1.0
TV: QN95AA 55


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I have an issue that one of the TVs is powering off automatically.
Here is a screenshot:

For some reason it keeps on powering off and on

Can you share a screenshot of the active flows for this entity as well?
just one icon to the left, at the bottom of the image,

These are the flows. “Bedtijd” switches the TV on. “Apparaten schakelen” switches it off after 1,5 hours. The stupid thing is: if it would be one of the flows, it would state that. But it is the app itself. I have two other Samsung TVs in Homey and they don’t have this behavior. (At least not as often) With this one, I am watching TV and all of a sudden it switches off. And after switching it on again I see it is switched off by “Samsung TV” and on again by “Samsung TV”

I would use a timer to determine the 90 minutes. Main reason is that in that case you can control the timer too.

Now if you turn the TV on at 18.30. The TV wil go off at 20.00. Even if you turned it off and on again after 18.30 and before 20.00. When you use a timer you can reset the timer if you off the TV before 90 minutes.

Do not know if this the reason for the behavior you described. That you could test if you add some cards to determine the time you on the TV and a card to write that time in your timeline when the TV is set to off.

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Thanks! Will look into this!