Monitor and control your Roth Touchline SL Thermostats with ease. Access data on temperature, humidity, and signal strength, and adjust settings to maintain a comfortable, energy-efficient home. Automate climate settings using Homey flows for seamless integration with your smart home.
Hi, @Kare_Hovik. Feel free to send a diagnosis report, and I will have a look. The source is not open, but send me a PM with your GitHub username, and I will let you in.
Fantastic, somebody finally made this app! Problem though, does not recognize my credentials on Roth, but it seems also that the access is offline in the Roth app and on web today?
Important feature is some of the thermostats have very poor battery life and I need to get alarms of that (drops from 95% to 0%).
I now see that the battery status shown in the Roth app is totally different from the status at the actual thermostats (100% vs 20%). Does the API from Roth give out wrong data?
After talking to Roth support it seems that all battery status is correct. Challenge that they show 100% after 1 year but I guess the threshold for 100% is maybe set to low.
Anyways, the sensor with 37% sent to 100% after changing batteries so all OK.
Two sensors have been returned on warranty as they have to poor battery performance.
According to support the sensors batteries should last at least two years of you do not check status and change temperature Director on the sensor to often. I do all changes in the app, or now in the Dashboard.
Is it possible to have the thermostat flag «not accessible» or something, or through a flow? Everything looks normal even if it is not accessible. Have to build a flow plus parameters and another app to show if it is online (no connection more than one hour). My thermostats goes from 100% to 0 without warning, but the Roth apps signals visually no connection.
I have tried the flow «Last seen» and have increased the time to three hours and still two of the sensors initiates the flow. Two of them one hour is ok and the rest keeps contact at least more often than two hours. The worst are those who are used in rooms that are kept cold (unused bedrooms) and that is understandable that they report the temp seldom.
What I need is something that triggers when a thermostat has really lost connection.