[APP][PRO] Renault Z.E

I don’t own a Renault unfortunately but a Dacia so I have not way to test it.

I think anyway I found what’s the issue thanks to Blomstrand comment. I just pushed a new version to the store (2.6.1).
Can you please try it and let me know if it’s working correctly?

If someone would be so nice to give me temporary credentials for their Renault Car, i would be able to test it. If you are available in doing that, please set a temporary password and send me a private message.


Yes, if I add my Megane via Dacia, I can see a couple of metrics.


Thanks to Hugo I got some credentials to fix the Renault implementation but sadly I discovered that Renault is not returning anymore this data via api:

  • Battery Available Energy
  • Battery Temperature
  • Charging Instantaneous Power
    so i removed icons from the app panel

I just published version 2.6.3 that, once verified by homey, will be avalable on the Homey App repository so you’ll be able to install it.

2.6.3 has now feature parity between Renault and Dacia and it fixed all the bugs.
Let me thank Hugo again for having sent me his credentials.

Please report me bugs and/or issues in this forum or via private message.

Thank you,

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Thanks for your work. It seems to be working now!

We have a Renault Zoe, by the way.


Wauw! Great work. I can confirm that the APP is working with de Renault Scenic E-Tech.

Is anybody using the Geo-location in a flow to know where they are? (home or away?)

I have a problem with preheating. I have a button that activates the preheater. The problem is that it’s only running for 1-6 minutes and then turns off. In the log it says Inactivated by Renault and Dacia. This is with the car not plugged in I need to test with the car plugged in but I dont think There’s any difference.

Maybe you should ask your dealer?

Good evening everyone. My English is quite bad so I will use Google automatic translation.
First of all a big thank you for the application and its maintenance.
I wanted to tell you about a problem I am having with my Homey.
I have very little feedback, just the autonomy, the connection of the car and the battery charge rate (everything else is missing).
So I tried it under Home Assistant using a similar application to connect to my Renault space.
When connecting, I had the possibility to choose between two instances on my account (although I only have one car!)
The first instance gave me very little information while the second instance brought up almost everything!
Can you see if the problem does not occur when I connect with the application? Thank you.

Updated on 03/02/2025:

Finally I compared the 2 identifiers between your application and the one used by Home Assistant, they are identical!
So there is indeed a bug in your application that prevents the uploading of all available information. Is it possible to fix this? Thank you.