Afaik the water pressure isn’t reported through the wireless eTwist. So I don’t mind (actualy I do but there is no resulution apart from Remeha adding it).
It’s the two below that make me wonder what they are supposed to represent…
Afaik the water pressure isn’t reported through the wireless eTwist. So I don’t mind (actualy I do but there is no resulution apart from Remeha adding it).
It’s the two below that make me wonder what they are supposed to represent…
Hi @ChrisTerBeke , thanks for the great app! Any chance to get a flow card for ‘AND’ to expose the currently set temperature? Would be very interesting to check if the flow needs to run or if it’s already on the right temperature. Thank you for considering!
The two new “errors” are just icons. If an actual error is detected (either offline or device error reported) they’ll glow up red like the water pressure alarm you currently see. I’ll probably change the icons to be less confusing.
The water pressure alarm should not trigger though if no water pressure is reported, this might be a bug. I’ll look into it.
Thanks! Very reasonable request, I’ll look into it.
Ok, thanks for the info (didn’t get a notification there was an update ?).
I was was now hoping to create a flow to control the Warm water production. Since the app only allows to switch between ‘Comfort’, ‘Programm’ and ‘Eco’… Was hoping to manipulate the targettemp. also. So I could set it to different temperatures on depending on time-of-the-day…
Dut I see no card or Tag for that, Is it possible ?
btw it’s not a request for change, if it’s not in there, don’t bother
Hi Chris, i love your app. I am missing a boost button, to heat the boiler for 30 minutes. It is available in the mobile app. I can use it for nice flows.
Something new in 0.3.5 ? @ChrisTerBeke
Only some small bug fixes that were reported by users.
Hi Chris, I was wondering if there would come a version developed by you where you can actually configure the heatpump parameters like HP061 (No, Cost, Primary Energy, Hybrid CO2)
Now that the grey electricity is in the evening really expensive it would make sense if you could move to cost modus if the price is higher than lets say 0.32 Euro as burning gas is than more economical
I have dynamic electricity prices so I can not change this parameter manually on an hourly or even daily basis.
Also the CP230 parameter would be a nice parameter to change in case the weather all of a sudden turns very cold
Thanks in advance,
For all your help
Im not Chris but I can tell you this is not possible because these parameters are not reported in the API. Also they’re only accessible directly on the heatpump or through the Remeha Smart app if you have a gateway 30 and then only with Bluetooth so you need to be near the pump.
Although the ‘stooklijn’ is available in the app I’m still not sure if the API is also reporting it.
You can find out if you look in advanced settings, problem solving yes and look at latest API reaction.
Hey Chris! Did you by any chance have the time to look into this yet? Would be amazing, thank you!
Hey! i love the app, works great in my HDashboard like the hotwater temp trending.
Only thing i’m missing is the Boost function. this would be great! the remeha app has it but its only when in eco mode en the temp of the boilers drops to 35. I would like to boost at the beginning of the kids showering.
Hoi @ChrisTerBeke, ik heb het probleem dat de Remeha app maar een (halve) dag lijkt te werken, hierna staat er een uitroep teken bij. Na een herstart (of opnieuw invoeren login gegevens) werkt het weer even. Kun jij kijken wat er mis gaat? Ik kon via de app geen “diagnostische melding” maken, deze geeft de fout “disconnected” hoe kan ik een rapport sturen om je op weg te helpen?
Ik gebruik een Remeha Etwist (v2.26.3) samen met een Calenta 40c.
Is it possible to add a trigger when hot water is running and a flow card “And Hot water is running”. I want to combine this with an movement sensor in the bathroom. The movement sensor doesn’t recognize people behind the glass bathroom door.
I have the same problem.
Restarting the app will store the connection for a while but than it’s gone again.
It did work very well for the last month’s.
@JJ10 @SebastiaanB did you try to remove the device and pair it again? I can’t think of any other reason than Remeha invalidating the credentials at this moment.
Thanks for your reply.
I just did that but that’s not working. Currently I am unable to login via the homey.
When I enter my email and password it takes a few minutes and than I get a message: Network request failed.
I know for sure that the username and password is correct because I tried them on a different telephone to connect to the Remeha Home app and thats working.
So for some reason via the Homey o dont get a good connection to the Remeha server??
Solved: It was not an app related issue.
For some reason some specific network requests from Homey where blocked (while most of the internet in house was working) After some restarts of the modem and router the traffic could pass again…
Hi all, just wondering; I have an Elga Ace, but without the eTwist. I use Honeywell evo. Is there a way to get the data from the Elga directly via the built in Bluetooth? Preferably with the existing Homey app?
Greetings, Dick
Impossible I’m afraid.
The only app that can access the Bluetooth module gateway 22 in the Elga is the Remeha Smart Home app.