[APP][Pro] Piggy Bank

I have 2019 Homey Pro. I’m not sure how to find th firmware version,but I found this:
Homey Pro (Early 2019)
Versjon: 10.0.3

I have installed piggyback insights and there it shows the correct operating mode both when I make the change in piggybank app and with a flow. But when I refresh or close and reopens the app it displays a wrong mode, I guess it shows the last used mode that I not added my self. I have also cheched one of the thermostats that piggybank controls and the target temperatur is changed to correct temperature. So it seems like it is as you say a displaying issue.

Thank you for your quick response.

I tested further. when the wrong mode is shown i the app and I make a change that is not related to the operating mode, then the operating mode will be wrong, also i insights and the way it controls thermostates.

Please clarify as there is no refresh button in the homey app itself. Are you opening it from a browser in my.homey.app?

So to have this clear, you see in piggybank insights that the mode is right, then you open the settings and see it’s wrong, then you do a change (in the app settings) and press save, and then it becomes wrong? That would make sense because it will only save what you see.

Do you experience this display bug both on your phone and on my.homey.app?
If you experience it on the phone, what phone do you have?
If you experience it on my.homey.app, can you open the developer tools in your browser and see what the console log says? (In Firefox you can find this from the menu “Tools” → “Browser tools” → “Web developer tools”. From Chrome you can find it in the Menu “More Tools” → “Developer tools”

Yes, i am exodus

lør. 2. des. 2023, 18:00 skrev Frode Heggelund via Homey Community Forum <notifications@athom.discoursemail.com>:

You added government subsidies to Piggy lately.
Just to be sure, this is a global change that also reflects on the “price list” the EV-charger use, right? And will act the same when you introduce a charger device?

I’m asking if the “EV-charge part of Piggy” use the same price list as the rest of Piggy after enabling subs. I took note of the price chart in EV-charging when subs was turned on. Then turned subs off, re-opened Piggy and saw that prices was NA in the charge chart. This makes me believe the change is indeed global. And the bug probably appears since a charge session is ordered. But have to ask to be sure. Seems that because of night vs day prices on grid cost, considering subs and not considering subs CAN pick different hours

Yes, it will.

Yes, the prices are not recalculated before they are used in any calculations. That is, once whenever every new hour starts. I probably should add recalculation whenever subsidies are flipped on/off too (I thought I already did, but I’ll look into it)

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Hi. Is the “Strømstøtte innslagspunkt” with or without mva? I first used 0.7, but it seems the calculated stømpris used in piggy bank is too low, when I compare with the price my retailer uses (including strømstøtte) + the grid tariff. When I replace 0.7 by 0.875 (0.7*1.25) it seems to be more correct.

And another remark, I have a negative “Påslag strømleverandør”, and on my android-phone, the minus-sign does not show up as an option in the numpad which is shown when I am in that cell. I copied a minus sign from another place to write it there.

mva is included already!

Please bear in mind that the app does not show the spot-price, it shows the full price, so grid cost is included. If you take this into account, does it match with your provider then?

Allright, I will add the sign in the next version.


Do you have any idea why Piggy Bank lost connection to my equalizer (pulse)? It has worked fine until last night. Thank you!

All the best

My Pulse data works but the pricing info is not working for me neither, have the same terror was you do

The usual reason this happens is due to a loss of signal between the Pulse reader and Homey. If Homey did not receive the signal then neither will this app. I suggest you first inspect your Pulse device in Homey to see if it has received any signal at all. And if the signal is now fine again then you can look at the insights to get the historic signal around that time. You should look at this before 24 hours have lapsed, or the detailed history is lost from Homey.

The reason none get electricity prices today is that the server that distributes the prices does not have the data. You can check by yourselves here: Data view

I suppose this will be resolved soon, it usually doesn’t last that long.

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Have a 5 kW water heater that I let Piggy Bank control (via Aeotec switch) to get below 10 kW power output per hour (the only unit it controls). The problem is that Piggy Bank often switches off the water heater after a short time (occasionally only 2 to 3 minutes) and the power output per hour has not been particularly close to 10 kW (in retrospect - in November no hours above 9 kW). Have tried to compensate for this by having Piggy Bank cut the power to the water heater by increasing “Equalisation between hours” to 80%, but see a noticeable effect of this. Piggy Bank gets its input from Tibber Puls.

Anyone have any tips?

Is there a log that shows why Piggy Bank does what it does?

Haven’t seen in the Aeotec flow log that Piggy Bank has turned on the Aeotec, only that it has turned it off. Shouldn’t it do both depending on power status?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

It sounds like you are using the price action “Emergency off” (“Av hvis krise”), please don’t use this as it’s not intended for water heaters (it doesn’t turn on again), instead use “Turn on” which will turn it back on again after it has been turned off.

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Version 0.21.7 is now out for testing

Changes includes:

  • Fixed the calculation of subsidies, the mva was applied incorrectly.
  • Now you can set negative surcharge
  • Renamed price actions to avoid the common confusions:
    • “Turn on” is now “Preferred on”
    • “Turn off” is now “Always off”
    • “Emergency off” is now “On until Off”
  • Changed the default mode for cheap price to “Preferred on” instead of “On until Off”
  • Added support for new devices:
    • com.tado2:airconditioning
  • A/C devices without onoff capabilities will now be forced to use temperature only control. to avoid messing up the mode when using these in other modes than heating. Affected devices are:
    • com.arjankranenburg.virtual:virtual_switch
    • com.tado2:airconditioning
    • nl.climate.daikin:airairhp
    • no.thermofloor:Z-TRM6
  • Fixed the detection of ACMODE FAN, though the app is still not able to control power usage properly in all cases when using FAN and DRY modes.
  • Added note to Virtual thermostats of switch type that they are not supported and how to solve it.

Right, in that case I guess the “innslagspunkt” is at 0.875. At least when I look at my prices, that gives the correct value. As an example, today at 08:00-09:00 in NO3, the real spot price is 253.1 øre, and according to NTE, the subsidised price is 104.1 øre. My own “påslag” is -1.7 øre, and the grid tariff is 40.3 øre in the Tensio grid. That should give a total price of 143 øre. If I write 0.7 as “strømstøtte innslagspunkt”, piggy bank gives me the total price of 126.9. However, if i write 0.875 as “strømstøtte innslagspunkt”, piggy bank says the total price is 143 øre.

Hmmm… I might have messed up that part. I’ll take a look at it this evening.

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I think I might have misunderstood a few settings; Emergency Off and just Turn Off. I thought that Emergency Off was off when you reached the limit, and then on again if there was enough free power, but here you are saying that Emergency Off does not turn on again? I did look into all the info in the app about it, but could not find any direct answer to my question. Sorry for adding simple questions to the forum, your work is just fantastic ans we all love it!

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Sorry about my last posting, all the answers was in your next post.:wink: Thx!

Thanks for spotting the bug in the subsidies calculation so early after the release @sverf , the problem has been fixed in version 0.21.7 (I hope :innocent: )

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Thanks! You were right! When I got that right I found out that some of my other setup did not work as intended either. But now it seems to work as expected - tested for 2 days! Thanks again!

Another question: Piggy Bank turns on and off the Aeotec switch a lot. It seems to me that Piggy Bank does not take into account that the water heater takes 5 kW while turned on. Is there a parameter somewhere to tell Piggy Bank about the kW usage so it does not turn it on only to turn it off after 30 seconds but rather wait a bit longer?