[APP][Pro] Piggy Bank

Hi. Really good app.
I have noticed one problem. I use flows to set my own price-points, which works fine, but when I have selected this, it looks like the app no longer gets the electricity price input. This becomes a problem when I was to use the app for smart charging, because now it will start the charging session completely random


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Yeah, I have been pondering about splitting the price from the setting of price points.

So, there are some ways to do this. Are you happy with having the charging based on the automatically fetched prices, or do you need to input custom prices as well as custom price points?

Alternatively, if you have a preferred way of calculating the price points, is there an easy way I can add support for that for you so you don’t have to calculate them on your own?


I would be happy having the charging based on automatic prices. So that I can use the flow cards “Start charging session during the xx cheapest hours before tt:mm”. I fixed this now by just going back to automatic price point setting. This is also OK, but losing some of the flexibility.

More flexibility is planned, especially this one might be interesting:

As for splitting price setup and price point setup, you can follow it here.

Familiar with automatic lowest price charging? I am using it with Tesla. Superb!! Je bent uitgenodigd voor Tibber!

Yes @Martijn747 , everyone using this app is familiar with Lowest price charging… that is one of the features of this app… Although, not all the features of this app is relevant for Netherlands I will be targeting it for the rest of Europe soon when there is nothing left to do for the Norwegian market. At that time I would be happy if you try it out and tell me how to better adjust the app to target the Netherlands. But as of now the app might not be as user friendly as you like outside of Norway. You’re welcome to try though.

New version status

The current test version 0.19.40 has the following updates from the stable version 0.19.34.

  • New devices
    • Added mqtt device as meter reader.
    • Added support for Thermofloor:Z-Relay (switch mode only)
    • Added Elko SmartDimPir
  • Device changes
    • Made the Altherma III Geo pump emulate onoff with minimum temperature
    • Made sure thermostat devices with no target-temperature like some of the ESHSUPERTR show as a switch when configured to do so (and thermostat otherwise).
    • Worked around a bug in the ESHSUPERTR driver that forced it into frost guard mode.
    • Added support for drivers with multiple device-types
  • Other Changes:
    • Changed basis for price comparison to be average of prev X and next Y hours
    • Fixed feedback about missing flows for setting Price points
    • Split the price from price points, so people using flows for price points get the price fetched and graphs enabled
    • UI improvements → preparation for setup wizard + Iphone fixes

I’ll let it run for a few days on testing before it makes its way over to stable. If you’re affected by one of the fixes above please try the test-version to confirm it’s working

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I had some issues using the smart charging function yesterday.
I sent a command to the app to charge at the cheapest 30kwh before 07.00 today. By looking at the app it looks like it received this command correctly. It also had the correct price information after I moved from external pricing to internal. However when I look at the charging cycle, it does not reflect the pricing information. Therefore it will not charge at the cheapest prices. Se pictures below

Here is the price information

Oh, but it does…
Please note that the Per day-graph goes from 00:00 - 24:00 while the charging graph is the next 24 hours from the current hour (starting at 19:00 previous day in your case). Thus they seem to match very well.


I have an issue when controlling Heatit ZTRM2fx. The piggy bank app sets the temperature on the thermostat to the same as the frost protection set point. No problem with the other ztrm3 devices. Is there any known fix for this?

This may happen in cases where the measure_temperature of the device in question is malfunctioning.

From an earlier device report I can see that this device has two temperature inputs, floor and external. In the previous report the measure_temperature was set to floor and had a good reading while “external” was 0. It may be in your case that measure_temperature is set to external. If so, the measure_temperature will always read 0. Can you please check your device settings in homey, maybe it is possible to select which of the two to use as measure_temperature?

If that does not solve it, can you please send a device report of the device in question (from the Help menu of Piggy) so I can take a look? Then I could be able to add a workaround.

Looks like the problem is the zterm not reporting any temperature to homey, i guess it should work if i figure that out.

Ok, it would be interesting to know what caused this.

In case you do not find out what caused this, it may be that you can add a workaround yourself by adding a Vthermo device to control the ZTRM2fx. Piggy is able to control VThermo devices and I believe you can use the VThermo device to manually select other external temperature sensors in case the temperature sensor for a device is broken.

I will try that. Attached screenshots of the termostat settings.

Does your thermostat actually have a floor sensor?

It may be that the electrician mis-connected the sensor and put it on the external sensor input instead of the “floor” sensor input.

I see from your screenshot above that you can select “Displayed temperature”. Can you change this to external? does it work then?

It could also be interesting to look at your device insights graphs at https://my.homey.app . I wonder if it stays in constant on state if there is no temperature reading? Does it power off at all? And… if there was a temperature reading earlier you would be able to see in the insights when the temperature readings stopped working.

Forgot to attach one image.
As you can see from that, the readings from the floor sensor is ok.

Yeah, but that was Z-TRM3, wasn’t it? Installed at a different time by a different electrician I assume, since it’s a different model?

The one named stue is a ztrm2fx. I had a factory reset on it and is working ok now.
The one named kjøkken is a heatit z-wave thermostat with firmware 1.92 installed. I tried factory reset on that as well, but no success.