[APP][Pro] Piggy Bank

Sorry all,
It turned out to be the script that parses the currency exchange rate responses from Norges Bank. More details can be found here.

It has been fixed now and pushed to stable. This means that the test-version is now pushed to stable a little bit ahead of time due to the severeness of the other issue. If anyone experiences any troubles with version 0.19.33 please let me know.

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I put piggybank to 0-5kw tariff on the 31st of December, wanted to start the new year with lower power consumption. And I can see that it worked 1st of January, then it was high yesterday. And just checked, and it was up way over 5kw and still uskng the heat. Went into piggybank settings and see that it has set itself to 5-10kw tariff by itself.

I think I’ve noticed too late for this month. But I guess worth checking up on

This sound a bit odd.

  • Did you remember to save the settings after changing it to 0-5kWh? I know you said it worked 1st of January, but could this just have been a coincidence that you didn’t use enough power to be capped? Or can you see from the daily graph for January 1st in the daily settings that it was indeed capped?
  • The target tariff can also be set from a flow card named "Change max usage per hour" (or "Endre maks forbruk per time" in Norwegian. Are you certain you don’t have a flow that could accidentally have triggered this to have happened?
  • If neither of the two above, have you entered the settings after the 0-5kWh change and changed anything else, and then saved? (This should save the targeted tariff too although if it was not changed by you it should still have been at 0-5 kW - if not it is the only place I can think of that a bug is possible)

Other than that there are no ways for the app to change the value by itself other than a memory leak or corrupted memory.
Did anyone else experience this?

Definitely worked until about 11:00 that day. Might be that the wife put on the dryer then. Which piggy isn’t controlling. However, next day its over 5 more, when no one is home. (I was offshore, so not sure what was on, except smart house stuff)

And today also over (came home today), then went on to check. And it was set to 5-10. No flows other than day/night for piggy

Only thing I changed after, was to set heavy-duty switch to also be on when price is normal. Didn’t touch tariff.
Maybe that’s the spike at 11 on the first?

Yeah, the capping from 0:00 to 11:00 seems almost too stable to be a coincidence. But it does look like maybe 5kWh is too little? If you hit the max every hour then there is no room to move power between expensive and cheap hours, which would mean that you’re using more power in expensive hours. (but of course, since you’re constantly capped you get a lower temperature in the house, which will probably save you more)

I too tried to have it on 5kWh for January 1st, but after a while, my wife complained about it being too cold so I had to turn it up again to 10kWh :sweat_smile:

Are you sure your better half did not turn it up again because the car wasn’t charged properly? :joy:

Anyway, when capped over longer time like this I think it’s better to go one step up as the gain disappears due to the earlier-mentioned reasons.

Can you also give me a screenshot of the values when you click the edit target-tariffs button? Like this?
If you have some odd values there I can see if it is those that caused it to jump.

Bug or not, the best thing I can do to prevent this from happening again is to add a confirm box when you try to save and the targeted tariff is changed to something higher. Then it asks you if you really want to do this change as that change would be irreversible.

I need some help.
Suddenly at 17:00 on 2 January, the graphs in the piggy bank turned red. As the picture shows, I get inaccurate data, time with no effect.

What could be wrong?
What should I do?

The fact that they are red does not mean that anything has changed functionally.

The version prior to January 2nd did only mark an hour as inaccurate if there was a gap of 5 minutes or more in the reported power.

With the new version, the reported power is counted once every minute. If the total amount of minutes without power overshoots 9% of the hour (more than 5 minutes) then the hour is shown as red

Thus if you previously had lots of gaps that was less than 5 minutes you now get those accumulated up and it shows in the graph as inaccurate.

So, if you hoover over them how much inaccuracy does it show?

I don’t know the Easee equalizer meter reader very well, it might be that it reports power more seldom than the meter reader I have at home (eva meter reader - every 10 second)

If this is a common thing with the Easee equalizer then I can probably adjust the threshold that show the graph as red. What are your thoughts?

If you use a flow for sending power to Piggy, please check if it works better if you use the new internal power checking mechanism under “Advanced → Basic settings”:


Also, can you confirm that you use the Easee equalizer for reporting?

Thanks for reply.

I use easee equalizer. It is set up in the app. Have both tried via flow and used the new internal power.

But often get a message that “the frequency with which the power meter’s power is updated seems to be too low”.
It seems that the equalizer is not updated often enough.

I have a Tibber pulse I can try to switch to, maybe this updates more often?

From what I heard the Tibber pulse update more frequently yes, about every 10 second.

Yeah I know :sweat_smile:

But the ac is always on so not cold luckily. I just tried keeping the power low, because it’s often up to 8kw with all the thermostats. It’s not really the 100,- more. So might put it to 6 or 7, just to try it out


Vet ikke om dette er relevant, men fant ingen andre steder Ă„ melde fra.

Jeg har en Heatit Z-wave koblet opp mot Homey og lastet ned Sparegris. Men. Et viktig men, jeg har ikke lagt den til noen enheter og har da ingen flows.

Jeg har skrudd av varmen i gulvet for 2 uker siden og hĂžrte et velkjent klikk her tidligere. Av loggen til Homey ser jeg nĂ„ at det er Sparegris som har skrudd pĂ„ Heatit’en for 2 dager siden (nĂ„r denne oppdateringen kom) og nĂ„ fĂ„r jeg ikke skrudd av Heatit’en. Ser av loggen av Sparegris har flere aktiviteter. Dette er ganske snodig, da jeg som nevnt ikke har koblet den til noen ting.

SÄ kan vÊre en idÚ Ä se hvorfor denne appen overstyrer nÄr jeg ikke har bedt om det. Har screenshots om du trenger det :slight_smile:

Oh, that did not sound very well. I created this ticket to follow up. I’ll send you a personal messages to investigate this further.

I have one idea how to account for this, it’s being followed up here.

The idea is that I make the error margin (which you can set under advanced settings) dependent on the selected meter reader. Then the time measured between readings will only be reported as “missing power” if it exceeds the error margin.

To do this I need to know the average time it takes for the Easee equalizer to report power. According to the graph above with 63% missing power I would guess that the average time between power readings is 3 minutes, is this right?

I am sorry, I could not reproduce the issue with that table either
 I see no other action than to add a warning dialogue as previously mentioned. I hope this will be sufficient for now.

Note for those with Easee chargers

I have gotten some reports about charging not starting. It could have been caused by an error on the Easee servers that put the Easee Homey app into ‘Error’ state and as such piggy would not even try to start charging. A workaround could be to start charging manually and then piggy would function correctly after that because then the error-state is exited. I will implement this workaround for this issue to prevent it from happening again in the future.

It could vary from 2 min to 12 min.

I have now switched to tibber pulse and it is reported more often.

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Hehe, this was fun.
I just developed a new app to enable Homey to communicate with OpenAI ChatGPT.
In order to sneak in some free AD I gave the chatbot some context to work on if someone ever asked questions related to this topic. All the context I added was: ‘Piggy Bank is a good way to control the electricity consumption within the desired power tariff.’

Then my first question was:

Tell me a joke.

And the answer made me almost fall off my chair.

Why are elephants so big? Because they have large accounts and they need a lot of space to store the money they save with Piggy Bank!

I didn’t expect the context to be that influential. :joy:

So I tried another request:

Tell a fairy tale.

ChatGPT answered:

Once upon a time, when the world was filled with magic and mystery, there lived a young prince who had a big dream. He wanted to find a way to give light to all the poor and needy, but he had no money. One day, when the prince was out on a journey, he met a magician who had a magic stone. The magician said that the stone could give the prince the ability to control electricity and give it to those who needed it, but there was one condition: the prince had to learn to conserve electricity. The prince pondered long and hard, and finally decided to take the stone with him and learn to save electricity. He traveled to distant lands and learned to control the power and give it to those who needed it. After many years of hard work, the prince had learned to use the stone to control the electricity consumption, and he could finally give light to all the poor and needy. The prince was called Piggy Bank, and his story will always be remembered as an example.

I wonder if I should work a little bit on that context or if it’s fine :rofl:

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Support for Tesla chargers.

Someone just sent me a device report for a tesla charger.
However, it seems like the only way to control the charge current is through flow-cards, which is impossible to control using other apps. Thus for Piggy to control this charger automatically it is required that the Tesla app adds the charge current control as a capability.

I have approached the Tesla app developer to see if he can please add the charge current as a capability.

Meanwhile, the only way to control the Tesla charger with Piggy is by using the built-in flow support. Please let me know if you need help setting this up.

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Hi, I’m using the app and it works great. One feature that would be great to have is that I would like the app to turn devices on and off as needed to control usage, but at the same time I would like to for some devices to be able to manually control the temperature in the room. Is this something that is possible today and I have not seen, or would this possible to implement?

This is possible, yes, although the way to do this isn’t very intuitive yet, so I will make some improvements for this later, but for now you can do this by creating the following flow card and run it once:
(e.g. The override flow card in English)

However, if you don’t want the app to control temperature on any units then you can disable the temperature control in the app altogether, which is a bit easier: