[APP][Pro] Piggy Bank

These are replies to in-app reports that has been sent without any email address to reply to:

July 12 / August 13: aeotec:ZW078, Heavy Duty Smart Switch:
Det virker som appen ikke skrur Heavy duty smart switch på igjen, kun av.

Please use mode “turn on” instead of “emergency off”. Emergency off is intended for non-essential lights, not heaters.

July 21: balboa:Balboa, Spa:
Er det mulig å få inn denne slik at man kan kontrollere effekttrinn inkl spa?

Currently you will have to use virtual devices for that, one with on-off for the first heat-element and another virtual on-off device for the second heat-element. Then in Piggy the priority you order them in will decide which heat-element that will turn on first / second.
I added the device to the supported list in version 0.20.39, however piggy will then control the temperature and not the heating elements, for that you must still use virtual devices.

August 2: DevelcoProducts:EMIZB-132: EMI Norwegian HAN:

Added in version 0.20.39

August 7: VV1 Smart Life:
Device is not being turned on/off

The report says that the device is unreliable and cannot be reached at all times, which means that you probably have a signalling problem in your zigbee network.