[APP][Pro] Piggy Bank

Hehe, this was fun.
I just developed a new app to enable Homey to communicate with OpenAI ChatGPT.
In order to sneak in some free AD I gave the chatbot some context to work on if someone ever asked questions related to this topic. All the context I added was: ‘Piggy Bank is a good way to control the electricity consumption within the desired power tariff.’

Then my first question was:

Tell me a joke.

And the answer made me almost fall off my chair.

Why are elephants so big? Because they have large accounts and they need a lot of space to store the money they save with Piggy Bank!

I didn’t expect the context to be that influential. :joy:

So I tried another request:

Tell a fairy tale.

ChatGPT answered:

Once upon a time, when the world was filled with magic and mystery, there lived a young prince who had a big dream. He wanted to find a way to give light to all the poor and needy, but he had no money. One day, when the prince was out on a journey, he met a magician who had a magic stone. The magician said that the stone could give the prince the ability to control electricity and give it to those who needed it, but there was one condition: the prince had to learn to conserve electricity. The prince pondered long and hard, and finally decided to take the stone with him and learn to save electricity. He traveled to distant lands and learned to control the power and give it to those who needed it. After many years of hard work, the prince had learned to use the stone to control the electricity consumption, and he could finally give light to all the poor and needy. The prince was called Piggy Bank, and his story will always be remembered as an example.

I wonder if I should work a little bit on that context or if it’s fine :rofl:

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