[APP][Pro] OctoPrint

If the finish line wasn’t a massive wall called “available time”, I could have “finished” :see_no_evil:.

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OK, so I actually thought of a (very/too) easy way to fully “fix” the breaking changes in my fork. :sweat_smile:
Almost embarrassing that I didn’t thought of it before/immediatly.

So instead of just deleting the old capabilities, i’ll just hide them from your current device (tokens will remain active!, and still update their values), and new included devices just won’t have these (old) capabilities anymore (kinda a custom interpretation of deprecating a capability).

The update is now live on my github now (v1.1.1), and I’ll update my original post above.
Breaking free updating!

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Strange thing, i installed the plugin ans got it working. But when the IP changed on the PI i got dissconnected. So i changed the PI to always have the same IP, but now im unable to install the plugin. Get the flowtoken_already_exists after added the OctoPrint to the Homey. Could someone help me please?

Try rebooting Homey, that should fix the stuck flowtoken id’s of the old device.

hah, it was that simple :slight_smile:

I tried to add my octopi but always get and timeout, i tried with local ip and with local domain :confused: any advice?

Instal eg. NetScan to see if Homey really can access your OctoPi

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thank you for the advice, netscan works liek a charm with the octopi

now it works, dont know why because i justed tested with netscan and after that adding was not a problem…

Hi all

I seem to get stuck in the basics here. I am trying to add OctoPrint as a device over my browser, but I keep on getting the message: “Could not connect to OctoPrint. Make sure your address and API key is correct.”

I do enter the IP address and the API key but it won’t work. I tried including the ports to the IP, but did not work either. I’m certain that Homey and OctoPrint are in the same network and both are online since I can see them in the list of the devices connected via Wifi to my router.

I can connect through the OctoRemote app, so it’s likely something wrong on how I provide the address and API key?!

Any idea what I’m doing wrong?


Just to be sure, you are using the version from Caseda, right ?

What does theese actualy do? Turn on/off octoprint server or turn on/off printer (if powered through Rasperry Pi)?

…it’s rebooting RPI itself by calling /api/system/commands/core/reboot and /api/system/commands/core/shutdown

  • Reboot Raspberry Pi (when not printing)
  • Shutdown Raspberry Pi (when not printing)

Hi all,

with blessing of former developer and @Caseda last fantastic update (haven’t got any single issue with it), but hasn’t been published to store and as I’m lazy installing it via CLI, I took over “maintenance” of Octoprint. Don’t expect any significant development please, rather then some updates, hopefully fixing bugs, if any, etc. - that’s why maintenance.

I have pushed test version so in case of interest to test Build #13 (yep, 13…), go ahead : Octoprint App for Homey | Homey

#### 1.1.3

  • new maintainer / update to store
  • NodeJS modules update
  • added flow actions for Raspberry Reboot / Shutdown (state Operational / Offline or Disconnected)

Will push it live in case of no issues and sufficient number of installations.

Test version : Octoprint | test

#### 1.1.7 - 30. 1. 2024

  • Shorten file name when displayed on device tile

#### 1.1.6 - 28. 1. 2024

  • Trigger Flow card with id “print_resumed” fix

#### 1.1.5 - 26. 1. 2024

  • Attempt to Fix : Invalid value for token

#### 1.1.4 - 25. 1. 2024

  • Attempt to fix Could not trigger Flow card

FYI, current TEST version is the next LIVE.
If case of some issues, please send me diag. report - I saw some minor issues with previous version, so hopefully this will be fixed.

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New TEST version :

#### 1.1.8 - 25. 2. 2024
Multiple fixes - button resets after execution, CANCEL/M112 were not working, added logging for debugging

Version 1.2.0 — Added a dashboard widget and multi-language translations.

I’m really excited about this add-on. I have the doubt about whether from OctoPrint you can get an estimate of the electricity consumption or link a plug that has a consumption meter.

Hi @Sharkys ,

Thanks for the amazing plugin. I have 4 instances of octoprint running and all added perfectly to Homey.

I have one question: when adding the widget I get only one of my instances. Is it possible to tell the widget which instance I want to see?

And maybe adding a multiple instance widget?

Hope to hear from you,


HI @Frekel , yes, I created the widget just for fun/test and frankly, not many people do have more instances, you are actually the first one raising this question :wink: