[App][Pro] Nous - Save energy, increase security and comfort of your home and create amazing ambiances

Can you quickly guide me @SergeP how to change the overall Zigbee Channel to try this solution? Thanks

Hi Phillip,

I must admit I don’t know how to change Zigbee channel.
All I can say is that going to https://tools.developer.homey.app/tools/zigbee and clicking on “RESET NETWORK” (link at the right of the page) can solve many situations.
But be aware that maybe you’ll have to add your devices once again.
This solution did the trick many times for many users (I’ve never mayself had to do so).



Could any one confirm that the Nous Smart Plugs A1Z can measure the power between 0w and 3w ? I am using those plugs with devices that consumes +/- 3w when they are awake and less than 1w when going idle. But the plugs always reports 0w (at the same time, they measure 0,03A)


I admit that I didn’t try with the official App yet… But when using a device consuming more power, this one is properly reported. Also, when using Fibaro Smart Plugs (Z-Wave), I get always the correct power consumption reported, even if <= 3W.

Finally, although I did set 30sec of interval to report the power, I see that it’s not updated since a long time. Could it be that the variation of power consumption is too low to report it to Homey ?


Hi vletroye,

You are right, it seems there is a real problem with Nous A1Z Power measurement.

It’s not the first time I get an alert on this so I took few hours to try to find a solution with device measured value but I couldn’t find any issue.
All device Power values seems unreliable even if Current, Voltage and Energy are right.

So, I decided to make a version that simply calculates Power based on Voltage * Current.

I published this new App version (1.8.0) :


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Many thx !!! I will update the App asap :slight_smile:

[Edit] I confirm that I have now values… They are a bit high: 7.5W (0,03A x 233V) while with Fibaro plugs, they used to be < 6W in use, ~3.5W when the VR Headset was off (like right now) and 1w when fully idle… But these values are cleary better than nothing :slight_smile: Thx again !!


Hi vletroye,

You can correct Current (or Voltage) in device settings if you know measured values are not exactly the good ones. Correction factor can be from 0.8 to 1.2.


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Hello, I got a problem with my smart plugs. I have added them on Homey but I can’t control them aymore. When I try to swith a plug on I got a time out after 30 seconds. Any idea what I can do to fix this? I tried to repair, but that doesn’t help.

Hi Ralph_Z,

Nothing has changed on App, there is no reason it stoped working well.

I also had a problem with Zigbee network on last update.
I solved it restarting my Homey Pro. Can you please try to restart it and tell me if it’s better or not ?

Thank you,

I have allready tried that, but I will try again. I just found out the plugs do react, but with a very big delay. After 16 minutes the plug responds.

Hey SergeP,
since the update to version 1.8.0 the value of power consumption doubled. It is just measuring my cable modem. Before version 1.8.0 it showed 8-9 Watts, which was correct. Now it shows 17 Watts all the time. The rise of consumption happened exactly when the App was updated. I checked with a power meter and the old value, which was calculated by the plug, was correct. Now it is incorrect. I cannot modify it to display the correct value as I can only add/subtract 20%. I need to subtract 50%. Can you implement a checkbox, where the user can choose between calculated and transmitted values?
I might have updated the firmware, when the plug was still connected to Z2M, which might be the reason that my values were correct. But I don’t remember if I did :sweat_smile:

Hi L3nny,

This is a good ideea !
I’m going to implement this checkbox in next version.

Thank you,

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Hi L3nny,
Hi all,

New version of Nous App (1.9.0) has been published.

In this version, you’ll find an option on device settings to activate or not Power calculated value.
If checked, Power value is calculated, and if not, Power value is the measured one.


Hey SoPhos,
Thank you for implementing this so quickly!
Just deselected the checkbox and now the measurements are correct again.


I just tried adding the LZ3 water valve that arrived today. It is recognized but integrated as “Device not available”.

restart of the app solved the problem

Hi copiis,

restart of the app solved the problem

Stange ! No idea why…


Hi! I ordered smart valve L3. Didn´t notice that L3Z is with zigbee wich is supported by this app. Any updates with wifi version? Coming soon?

Hi Matti_Hirvonen,

Unfortunately, after few exchanges with NOUS project managers and support, it’ll not be possible to integrate in a simple way NOUS Wifi Devices.
They work on original Tuya platform, even NOUS software works on it and no further development is planed to make Nous Wifi devices communicate with third party App.

To make Nous Tuya Wifi devices working with Homey, you’ll have to try Homey Tuya App but be aware it could be a little bit difficult to integrate your device with this app.

Sorry for that,

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Thaks for the reply! No worries, i’ll try to find away to get along with this tuya device :sweat_smile:


New version of Nous App (1.9.2) has been published.

In this version, you’ll find an option on device settings to Reset Cumulated Power meter value and an action FlowCard associated.
