[APP][PRO] Nibe MyUplink

Hi @Goran_Persson

I managed to find your datapoint EP21-BT50 on the list of datapoints on the device configuration page:

I copied the datapoint name “Room temperature (EP21-BT50)” from the “datapoint names” textbox to the “Datapoint name for capability 1” field, and I can see this datapoint on the list of capabilities:

You can also use this datapoint names on flow-cards as following:

Finally, you can also use this datapoint on an insight:

Does that answer your requirement?

All -
Version 1.1.9 was released today.
The main fix in this version is the support for Homey Ealry-2019 version, which was broken previously.
Testers - please uninstall the app taken from the test link, and reinstall it from the main link. I will probably use the test version soon for other purposes, so don’t stay on it.

I would like to thank the good people who helped me stabilize the app on Homey Early 2019.

Yes It do and basically I was a moron.I just used the sensor name inside the brackets not the text as it was written. Rumstemperatur (EP21-BT50). A small matter remains, there is some translation issue. All the Swedish special characters å,ä and ö are gone.

Yes, I am aware of the special characters issue.
I need to fix it.
Thanks for the feedback!


I would also value the ability to see more capabilities. I understand that it might not make sense to see more in the Homey app. However I use Sharptools and have created a dashboard that displays the values from the old NIBE Uplink app with most of the capabilities, which to me makes it easier to monitor the heat pump. See my dashboard below:

If you would be able to expand the number of capabilities alternatively have a setting for how many you can edit/display, that would be highly appreciated.



Hey Gal_Carmeli, how are you?!

Can’t you use the information you found the set temp/fan speed foor the F730?
I again asked Nibe support how the F730 is exposed via API.

It’s fun and giggles they migrated the F series to MyUplink, but it worked better with the old NibeUplink app…

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No luck with this yet.
I have one more thing I would like to try: I would like to reverse-engineer the MyUplink website andctry to find out how its done there.
I will update on the next few days.

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Actually I can get reported power from one specified phase, but not a summary of all 3. I can use any of the 3 data point names Strm (BE1), Strm (BE2) or Strm (BE3).

In the old Nibe Uplink system, I was able to include Netatmo indoor temperature to BT50 through a flow, but with MyUplink, there is no such thing (as far as I can see). Any chance you could tell me how to do it now (since no smart control without indoor temp), or say anything about if you have a plan to create such a card? It’s for a VVM320 R. (Set temperature - select climate system - name - thermostat - number)

Skjermbilde 2024-02-09 kl. 14.04.14

Rgrds, Freddy

Sure, let’s see how we can support it.
First, let me undedstand tbe requirement better: Do you want to SET Bt50 to a value , or are you READING Bt50’s value and using it for another device?

Do you see BT50 in the list of datapoints on the device settings? If yes, do you manage to put BT50 as one of your capabilities datapoints?

I’ll do my best here… I would like to show my real time indoor temperature measured by Netatmo (or any other manufacturer) directly in my NIBE system. Before I did the upgrade to MyUplink from NIBE, I was able to send the Netatmo indoor temperature to Nibe Uplink with an update frequency of 15 minutes using this card, and show the measured indoor temperature on both my VVM320 and in the app. I was also allowed to set the wanted temperature for the indoor climate, either directly in Homey, or through another smart heat system from Tibber.

I do not see BT50 in the list of datapoints on the device settings.

Just some pictures of how it looked in the old Nibe Uplink. As you can see, the indoor temperature is shown.

I think its doable, and if not - i will enhance the app to support this interesting flow.
Would you be willing to share your device with me, so I can see the details and play with it a bit?
I promise not to change any setting in your device without coordinating with your first.

If you are OK with this, please follow the following steps:

  1. Browse to MyUplink webpage: https://myuplink.com/
  2. If you are not logged-in, login with your credentials
  3. On the top menu, choose “System” and then “System Profile”:
  4. On the left menu, choose “Security”. Put my email (carmeli128@gmail.com) and give me a “Manager” level. Then, click the “Invite” green button.
    This will invite me to your home, and I will be able to test on your device.

Sure thing! I’ve sent you the invite. Thanks in advance!

Can you please send me a picture of the flow card you used on the old Nibe app (the same flow card you sent before), but without the data items filled? (while it’s empty?)

And one more question: do you have Netatmo APP installed on your Homey, and the Netatmo thermostat is one of your devices? So you are actually reading from Homey Netatmo Device on Homey, and writing into Nibe device on Homey?

Last question: Did you do any configuration for this on the MyUplink web-application (MyUplink.com)? Or all the settings were done on Homey only?

Skjermbilde 2024-02-09 kl. 16.10.14

Yes, I have the Netatmo APP on the Homey, and the thermostat is one of the parameters I can set in the card here. (Where it says “Tall”/“Number”)

And yes, I’m writing the Netatmo (or Aqara or whichever I choose to use) information into Nibe device on Homey.

The only thing I had to do in the Nibe/Uplink, was to activate the plus-function “Smart home” - which is still active on my VVM320.

In the card I would set Climate System to “Climate system 1”, which is the only one I had. Name of Thermostat would be the word “Netatmo”, first “Tall” would be the actual measurement from Netatmo and the second “Tall” would be the desired temperature (static number) I would like to have in the living room.

And the second “Tall” - the desired temperature - is being sent to Netatmo, and he is in charge of reaching this target temperature?
Can you send me the screenshot of the cards available on your Netatmo device? (I am looking for the THEN cards)

The second Tall is the desired temperature set manually by me, and is being returned to NIBE for smart adjustments. This number can also be set by third party app - Tibber.

I actually don’t use anything other than the temperature setting from Netatmo.

So if the app would allow you to access BT50.
Would that flow work, and fulfill your requirement?
Every 15 minutes

$temp = get the current temperature from Netatmo

Set BT50 value to $temp

Is this what you ar looking for?