[APP][PRO] Nibe MyUplink

Hi Gal, logs have been sent. I received a code. Do you need that code?

No need, I got your logs. I will check, thank you.

@Jan_Penning -

I inspected your logs.
The communication with your pump works very good, I can see the datapoints reaching the app as expected.
Please do the following:

  1. Try to remove your device and add it again
  2. After you added the device send me logs. In the comment, write that this was taken right after adding the device.
  3. Wait for a few hours, or until you are sure one of the datapoints have changed (although you do not see the change on the app). If you wait for a few hours, I am pretty sure the outside-temperature will need to change, so it’s a good example
  4. After you waited for a few hours, send me logs once again. Tell me which datapoint you expected to change but was not changed in the app

Thank you for assisting in solving this

Hi Gal,

Thanks for all the time you are investing in this!

I just removed and then re-added the device and sent you the logs. Later today, I shall send you the logs once again.

For now, I did not change the selection of the data points but kept the default ones. Perhaps this can have an effect as well.

Kind regards,

@Gal_Carmeli I have the same issue as reported by @Jan_Penning if it helps.

I still have the same issue to. I realized that myuplink iOS app also stops reporting updates after connecting homey app to API. Can it be a rate limit issue?

Whoever has the issue of capabilities not refreshing - please send logs.
Its best if you can sent logs, wait a few hours (for the datapoints to be refreshed) and send again. Mention in your logs whether its the first or the second.

As for supporting F-series (VVM320 for example) - it’s tough. They do not support the API properly. I am working on it, but it will take time.

The limit issue is interesting…
From what I have seen with @Jan_Penning case, the service did not refuse to provide the data. If it has been a rate limit, I would expect to get somekind of a refusal…
@Jacob_Lantz , @hyper - can you please send me logs? Put a sentence describing the problem on the comments of the logs.

First logs sent. Will send again in a couple of hours.

All, I have found the bug in the capabilities which are not updated.
A stupid bug… I must remember never to code when I am tired :rofl:

I fixed the bug, I am testing it right now.
I will commit my changes tonight or early morning tomorrow.
I hope Homey will approve my commit fast so you can all have it.

Thank you all very much for reporting this and assisting in debugging! I apologize for taking your time on it :slight_smile:

@hyper @Jan_Penning @Jacob_Lantz

No worries Gal! Happy to help you out, great that you found the bug. Looking forward to the new version!

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Awesome thanks!

Another thing, a feature request. :slight_smile:
I’ve used a When card to trigger when my hot water temp drops below a certain threshold.

Would it be possible to add a When Datapoint is above/below Datapoint value” trigger?

@hyper - you already have this feature :slight_smile:
Choose the flow card “When changes its value>”
Connected it to a logic AND card " is less than
On the first , select “Datapoint Value”

Here’s an example on how I did it with “Outdoor temperature is less that 20”:

Will this work for you?

The version with the bugfix is submitted, and was approved immediately by Homey.
You should all get the fixed version: 1.1.2
If you see anymore issues, please let me know.

Thanks again, everyone!

Great work! Updates like a champ now.

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Nope i celebrated to soon. It did work fine when I tried it on 1.1.2 but day after I woke up to 1.1.3 and myuplink was brooken again. To get myuplink app running I completely need to disconnect the connection from my heater to my uplink and reconnect it. But when I connect the homey app it reads values one time then freezes up the connection completely (both to homey app and my uplink app).

@Jacob_Lantz - can you please send diagnostic report?
Please describe the issue on the comments of your report

I have exactly the same problem.

Yeah. kind of. Now it triggers every time the value changes, not only when it drops below a certain value. You’re right it it doable, I just need to keep state myself instead using some sort of “hot water is low” boolean to avoid certain parts of the flow from executing everytime the value updates. :slight_smile:

This is the flow I used before :slight_smile: