[APP][Pro] MQTT Hub - Community version

Yeah that’s what I was thinking too, although I’m not sure of meter is always “total” or if it can also be “total increasing” (which means that it will always increase, but it can also be reset to 0, like “daily usage” values).

I added the state_class attribute to HA auto discovery:

Should be ok this way, right?

Harrie already started to add capability dependent values like device_class.
This could also be added. Buut this will need a static mapping for every capability and its HA states I think.

I’m not 100% familiar with the format that HA requires, but it looks okay to me :+1:t2:

New live version 4.3.6:

  • Fixed show/hide details in app settings.
  • Added state_class for measure/meter capabilities.
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Pretty new Homey User so bare with me :slight_smile:
I added my Nibe Heatpump as a MQTT Device with MQTT-hub and client…
Works perfectly good except I´m missing a capability for a quite important value.
Its called “Degree Minutes” and is a negativ 16-bit value (normally between -60 and -2000)
The raw MQTT json looks like below.
I´m struggling to find a capability to match it ot, I saw one of the previous post about custom cababilites but it it possible to solve in any good way?

Thank you :slight_smile:

“register”: “43005”,
“factor”: 10,
“size”: “s16”,
“mode”: “R/W”,
“titel”: “Degree Minutes (16 bit)”,
“info”: “Degree minutes, 16bit value (-32768 < x < 32767). Values outside valid values are rounded to the closest valid value.”,
“unit”: “”,
“min”: “-30000”,
“max”: “30000”,
“logset”: false,
“data”: -56,
“raw_data”: -56,
“timestamp”: 1736256148208

New test version 4.3.7:

  • Added generic Number and Text capabilities.

Standard Homey capabilities are use case specific (don’t know a better description). They all have a meaning or unit.
So I just added two generic capabilities to the app: “Number” and “Text”.
That are simple capabilities to store numbers or strings without unit or other dependencies.
There is also a capability changed trigger added.
Please install the test version (link above) and try it this fits your needs.

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Thanks for the swift reply, seem to work perfectly as far as I can see :slight_smile:

Hello @RonnyW ,

Running latest version of your app. For some reason, my tamper alarm, motion alarm, switches and locks only get published as “sensor” in MQTT, and then it broke my HA Devices/Automations from devices in Homey . Do you have any clue why this happened?

I published a new test version that should fix this bug. Can you please check and give a feedback? If it’s ok again, I want to release it to live channel asap.

Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the circumstances :slight_smile:

@RonnyW , Thanks! You can publish to live.


Thanks, 4.3.9 is live now.

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New test version 4.3.10:

  • Added capability specific device_class for HA auto discovery.

This added a device_class attribute for sensors that are passed to MQTT HA auto discovery.

If anyone wants to check if the mapping is correct:

That’s the mapping:

That are the device classes used:

Please let me know if you notice any wrong states in your HA entities.

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