[App][Pro] MQTT Broker for Homey

I got it up and running, but what i want is not possible im told :confused:
In HA i have my broker and Zigbee2MQTT, but itā€™s not possible with HOMEYā€¦

Itā€™s unclear what you want.

You would need Zigbee2MQTT running somewhere outside Homey, maybe as a container on a Raspberry Pi. I have it running as container on my Synology NAS.

You can then use the Zigbee2MQTT Homey App to map the devices from that to your Homey Pro.

Wouldnā€™t it be cool to run any container on your Homey Pro :smiley:

I want to setup dashboard for my homey, via Home assistant.
Iā€™ve already done this in one place, where it works great. But if Iā€™m going to do this again on another homey and another system, I canā€™t do it! Struggling to add MQTT to home assistant. What I can see the difference is that it says ā€œbroker not runningā€ on this one which doesnā€™t work. What could I have done wrong?

This might be an obvious question, but what happens when you press ā€œStart Brokerā€?

Thatā€™s a good question, haha. but nothing happens :frowning:

And when you enable debug logging, does anything appear in the log?

Yes. Here:

Sadly, it looks like the source code of the broker isnā€™t public (anymore), so difficult to say why this is happening. All I can suggest is remove the app then try to install it again.

Strange! I have reinnstalled it 4 times now :stuck_out_tongue:
In MQTT client this is the log:

Donā€™t know if this is related or not

Itā€™s not related to the broker not starting.

I ā€œfoundā€ the source, I think the only reason why this may happen is if thereā€™s something already active on port 1883. Have you tried changing the port to something else, like 1886?

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I now tried to change port to 1889 and 2001 but still get ā€œbroker is not runningā€

I now tried to uninstall again. Should it change to ā€œbroker is runningā€ right away? Anyway, I get the same error in the log

It looks like the persistence database (where the broker stores some of its data) is broken. Try removing the app, then installing it again (not just reinstalling: remove it first, then install it again).

Thatā€™s what I did now. Removed it. Restarted homey. Reinstalled, exactly the same! Strange, because itā€™s up and running on my other homey.
Canā€™t figure out whatā€™s wrong

Very strange, Iā€™m out of ideas for now :frowning: (it also doesnā€™t help that the broker isnā€™t handling certain errors, so if there are any errors that are causing the broker to not be able to start they arenā€™t being logged)

Instead of running MQTT Broker @ Homey, I run the Mosquitto Broker add-on @ Home Assistant and it works great.
Hereā€™s a how to I wrote, in Dutch for now:

I translate easy with deepl.com or translate.google.com
Iā€™ll try to add an English version of the tutorial in the near future.

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Shit! Ducth is so hard. Even with translate :stuck_out_tongue:
But Iā€™ll try to see what I can do. An English version is greatly appreciated :smiley:

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In English :crazy_face: : [TUTORIAL][PRO] How to integrate Home Assistant with Homey

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There is nobody around that has access to the source code of this project? I really would like to add the web socket possibility or play around with that at least. But his other projects are live on github but this is not. would be great if we could work on this as well. Dont wanna start from scratch but If its not working I guess I have to :frowning: