[App][Pro] MQTT Broker for Homey

Source code is public @ GitHub - scanno/nl.scanno.mqttbroker


Lovely thanks. A question. If I do some tweaks to it do you want me to do a PR to you then? Or how do we get it live? I need to add a Web Socket to create a nice web dashboard over MQTT. So I can just add options to your code. Or if you prefer I can recreate it as a new one an and you as a developer for it.


Today I updated my Home Assistant to the new version 2024.2.0. Now it shows me all MQTT names twice. In another forum I was told that this has something to do with the URL link below and that the Homey MQTT app needs to be updated. The topic was already announced in August 2023. Until then, the developers of the respective integrations had to make the adjustments.

This is the link:
PSA: MQTT Name changes in 2023.8 - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

This is what it looks like for me:

I’m now back to 2024.1.6, everything looks normal:
Screenshot 2024-02-09 144625

Anyone else having this problem? How can I solve the problem?


Which app are you using to pull in those devices from Home Assistant?

On Homey I use “MQTT Client” and “MQTT Broker” from Menno van Grinsven and “MQTT Hub” from Harrie.

It’s the MQTT Hub app that’s creating the devices then, I assume, so you better ask in that apps’ thread.

I also wrote in the MQTT Hub thread. I don’t understand exactly which app is master for that.

The best is to make a Pull request with your changes.

The MQTT Client (and Broker) don’t have anything to do with devices (and naming of them), that’s all done by the MQTT Hub app.

Thank you very much for explaining. So I have to wait, that Harrie can fix it. Or is there another Hub app on the Homey, which I can use?

AFAIK there isn’t, no.

My broker will suddenly not run anymore. After restart is writes “crash” right away. It was been running perfectly for months. Nothing changed in the system, except auto updates of app and fw.

I tried to make a diagnostic report. Do not know if that tells anything?

Kind regards, Claus

Is it a HomeyPro23? Did it happen after the upgrade to 10.3.0?

Yes it is 2023.
For sure it is latest firmware, but I think that is quite some days ago. I am 95% sure it worked after the update.

And this morning everything works again!
I did a restart of Homey yesterday and it did not help. I got the same crash.
I have a flow restarting as many apps as possible at 02:00. But restarting both broker and client yesterday did not help.

I do not know what caused it to suddenly work again :slight_smile:

The log mentions that port 1883 is already in use. So there is a process blocking the port preventing the broker to start listening on port 1883. It is unclear to me what is causing this.

Does anyone know if it is possible with a homey pro 23 with SSH access enabled to see what process is using a specific port? I am still running the original kickstarter homey :slight_smile:

In my experience, it’s possible on the HP2023 for multiple instances of an app to be running (or at least to get started). I regularly get crash reports for my HomeKitty app that point to that (port already in use, where the port is picked randomly the first time the app starts, so it’s not likely that another process is using the exact same port).

I would think that a reboot should solve it.

It keeps crashing all the time. Even a power cycle of Homey Pro 2023 will not help.
I did write to support to see if they can suggest something. Until that I have no idea what to do. It worked for so many months without problems :slight_smile:

Have you tried uninstalling the app and reinstalling it?

Support will probably put the blame at the app developer :frowning:

This morning my MQTT broker (Version V3.0.2) stopped working. Based on the review of the logs it seems to stopped at the moment of the last Homey update to version 10.3.2. Anyone else experiencing the same type of issues?