[APP][Pro] Magic Home LED

Hi @martijnpoppen , any word from the creator of the library?

Hey @KRiZ
Yes…: Support for new devices · Issue #39 · jangxx/node-magichome · GitHub
He’s quite busy and doesn’t have time to focus on the library.

He didn’t abandon it but also he wont focus on the new devices.
So seems like it will stay in the current state.
Ofcourse I managed to get some devices up and running but that’s all custom work. As I dont have the knowledge of the internal workings of the protocols.

So maybe I can try to add some custom codes but it Will never be that good as the original stuff

Hi @martijnpoppen, thats too bad, but understandable.
Maybe I will have to find another led controller, or build one myself that is already compatible with Homey.

@KRiZ if i get my hands on a ZJ2146 I can try to add it.
Otherwise i can suggest Arduino with WLED with the DALOR app

@martijnpoppen I can send you mine if you like.

I just installed WLED last week on my stairs project. That works great!
But I liked this controller because of the remote that is included.

1 Like

Haha awesome!

If you’re not using it. Fine by me. Ofcourse I return it :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s take this to a DM

New app update (live: 3.4.3):


  • FIX: app crash error

New app update (test: 3.4.4):


  • FIX: ZJ2146 CCT controller

@KRiZ Should work now :slight_smile:

Hi Martijn, any news from the library creator?

Hey @PV2134

Yes: [APP][Pro] Magic Home LED - #443 by martijnpoppen

Hi !
First of all, thanks for your app, it rocks ! Amazing work that is so useful for us !
I however often have issues (that could be caused by my wifi that is sometimes unstable, sometimes self rebooting), resulting in an IP change of my 5 magic home devices. And sadly, every time that this happens, I have to go to the magic home app, copy the new IP address of each device, and then paste it in the homey’s device setting.
So I was wondering if this was normal or if the app is supposed to automatically find the devices after an IP change ? Otherwise, do you think that it would be possible to base your app’s device connection on MAC address instead of IP ? (I mean in order to reconnect automatically to the correct IP everytime)
I think that if the app runs correctly for me, we should be lot of users troubled for instance after a power cut or an internet router auto update !
Whatever your answer is, thanks for your project and time !


Hey @Felix_Farny

Thanks! :smiley:
The Homey Magic Home app should resolve those IP addresses and reconnect to the device.
It actually is checking them based on Mac address.

If that doesn’t happen I would suggest to set the magic home IP’s to fixed in your router.

Hi, will this set work with your app?:

Otherwise which compatible set would work?
I really would like the multicolor (with IC) function of the ledstrip.

@BasPost dont think that will work.
Theres only one model which works with multicolor and this app.

This one: https://m.nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005003042085791.html?spm=a2g0n.order_detail.0.0.75846d76t55tIV&gatewayAdapt=glo2nld

(Last option in the selector)

Otherwise you could look at a Arduino with WLED. Which gives you a lot options

Hi Martijn,

great app. Wil this also work with your app?


Its also from Magic Home I see.

Hey @Robinjo
Should work, but there are some issues with some WS2812B devices icm Homey.
Unfortunately it’s hard to tell before buying :confused:

Oke let you know, going to buy it. What are the issues with WS2812B icm Homey?

the library i’m using is not fully supporting the WS2812B. So setitng colors or effects didnt work properly.
I made some custom fixes myself and that seemed to fix it.

Using a WS2812B over here too and works perfect

Hi Martijn,

I’ve got it received from my favourite chinese shop. It is been discovered and added to Homey. I can put it on and off but no color or brightness control. Is it possible to add this?

It I only get it working with brightness and color it would be nice.

It’s the AK001-ZJ2149 version.

What did you do in custom fixes to get the addressable led working in Homey?